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Sunday, 04 August 2024 03:17

Fighting to the finish - Taiwo Akinola

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness…and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” - 2 Timothy 4:7-8.


The Apostle Paul, a man widely (and rightly) regarded as a Christian leader for all time, was a true exemplar of the Christian way of life. As we learn from his writings and accounts of others, in all that he did, he was truly an ambassador of the Gospel to the Gentiles, a father to many, and certainly not one to back down from a fight. From the cusp of adulthood until he was saved by the Lord Jesus on his way to Damascus, Paul had spent his entire life devoted to fighting, and thereafter, he continued fighting, but in the service of the good and righteous One.

Before we turn to the focus of this piece, the good fight, it may perhaps be worth considering briefly the other side of the coin, that is, the ‘bad fight’. This consists of ‘zealous religious pursuits’ to which we are sometimes, like Saul of Tarsus, devoted – and the ‘righteousness’ of which we are quite convinced of – but which, in God’s books, do not count for much and may take us down the slippery slope of hate, jealousy and unholy anger.

The Good Fight

What, then, is the ‘good fight’? In 2 Timothy 4:1-8, Paul articulated and commended certain things to Timothy, his beloved son in the faith (things Paul himself had done, and which qualified him for a crown of righteousness).

For the avoidance of doubt, the good fight, which is the centerpiece of our calling as believers – is as set forth in this missive from Paul to Timothy: “preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine…but watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry” (2 Timothy 4:2-5).

I posit that these above present to us a very vivid, true and an acceptable kingdom lifestyle, failing which will doubtless result in undesirable consequences in form of stronghold of unbelief, creating distractions from our major goals in life. However, the consequences also show up in the forms of sicknesses of the mind or body, stagnation, setback, marital problems, and all forms of addiction, depression and lusts. And, unfortunately, all of these become complicated, especially when such individuals refuse to give attention to godly, Biblical counsel from wise and elderly people who have accomplished what they are just wishing to attain.

Now, one of the most useful dynamics of living is in being able to overcome challenges and win through the battles of life as they come up. However, this cannot come to be until we learn to fight aright. Thus, the important question arises: how do we fight to win through and finish strong?

It is important to note from the onset that most of the serious battles man constantly faces are not carnal (2 Corinthians 10:4). Hence, it would require the fights of faith to win and overcome them. Strong holds can still lose their grip if we learn to fight aright, or else we miss it.

To fight aright, we must recognize that it is faith’s fight that wins the battle, not carnal fights. This is done by fighting the enemies with the Word of God, speaking boldly in prayer to issues and situations that contend with our joy, and fighting from our stands of righteousness in Christ Jesus.

We must also keep in mind the fact that all of life’s major battles start and are controlled in the spiritual realm, well before they manifest in the physical. In this regard, the Bible instructs us not to be complacent or carnally-disposed, but to fight from our privileged position of victory in Christ Jesus, using the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:12).

Finishing Strong

In closing, I must stress that it does not suffice to simply fight, as a strong start that is not sustained only ends in whimpering shame and makes the fighter the subject of ridicule. Ask Samson, a warrior divinely bestowed with supernatural strength, but who failed to finish strong. Ask Demas, who fought alongside Paul but ultimately forsook the faith, “having loved this present world” more than prize of the high calling of Christ.

Indeed, what qualifies a believer for the crown of righteousness is the ability to sustain the vigor and fervor of the fight to the very end. As the Master Himself said in Luke 9:62, “no one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

Please, make no mistake about it: Satan will always fashion his weapons, but God foretold us that the devil’s arsenal against us shall not prosper. And most certainly, with the armor of God, you’re skewed to win, always!

Beloved, I pray that the Almighty God, the wellspring of life and strength, the One who has bestowed us with all things pertaining to life and godliness, including the armor to do battle, will grant you the grace to fight the good fight of faith, and the stamina to last the long haul for His glory here on earth, that a glorious crown of righteousness may be yours for eternity. Amen. Happy Sunday!


Bishop Taiwo Akinola,

Rhema Christian Church,

Otta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

Connect with Bishop Akinola via these channels:


SMS/WhatsApp: +234 802 318 4987

Jesus told Pilate that he who is of the truth hears His voice. This means Jesus is only acceptable to the truthful. A man is either of the truth or he is of the lie:

 “Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word.  You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.  But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me.  Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me?  He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God. (Jn 8:43-47).

Two Kinds of Human Beings

Here is a stark definition of two kinds of men. One who is of the truth and one who is of the lie. One who is of God and one who is of the devil. One who can hear the word of God and one who cannot but can hear the voice of the devil.

The world says that opposites attract. But the word of God says like attract. Only those who are of God find the gospel of Jesus Christ attractive. Jesus says those who are attracted to the gospel are those who are of God. 

Jesus is like a magnet. His people are drawn to Him and they welcome His revelation. Although His light rebukes their sin, they nevertheless respond to that light in repentance and faith. They live by His truth. But those who are not of God reject the gospel. Otherwise, why would a man not believe the truth and prefer to be told a lie?

Rejecting the Truth

If you tell a liar the truth of God, he will reject it. Jesus said the reason the Jews did not believe Him was because He told them the truth. If He had told them a lie they would have believed Him.

Look at this scripture again:

“Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me?” (John 8:46).

Jesus asked the Jews if He had ever told them a lie. “Have you ever caught Me telling you a lie? Have you ever caught Me sinning? On the contrary, you have only observed Me telling you the truth. Everything I tell you I practice. I do everything I tell you I can do. I do everything I teach. You have never heard Me or seen Me contradict Myself. You have never observed Me being hypocritical. You have always known Me to be truthful. And yet, you don’t believe Me. Therefore, the problem is not in what I say. The problem is in you. The problem is that you are not of the truth. The problem is that you are not of God. For God is a God of truth.”

We cannot know our true selves if we don’t know the true God. If we don’t know God, we will be open to lies, especially about humanity. It is in the wisdom of God that men who reject the truth of God will believe lies: 

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” (Romans 1:18).

Because men did not like to retain God in their knowledge, the Bible declares that God gave men over to a debased mind and vile passions, allowing men to do ungodly things:

“For this reason, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).

So, God says to Isaiah:

“Go, and tell this people: ‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’ “Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and return and be healed.” (Isaiah 6:9-10).

Unbelievers Are Liars

Unbelievers are liars and they make God a liar. Because they are liars, they reject the truth. But the truth we reject will judge us on the last day. Jesus says:

“He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him — the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.” (John 12:48).

Those same words of truth we rejected will come back to question us. The truth will ask: “Did I not tell you so-and-so on such-and-such a date? Why did you reject what you knew to be the truth?” 

We reject the truth because it is true. We reject the truth because we are liars. We reject it not because we believe it is false, but because we know it is true. We reject truth because we are not of the truth. We reject it because we don’t like the truth. We reject it because we don’t think the truth is profitable in this life. 

We want the world to like us but if we speak the truth they will not. If we are truthful, we will not get away with murder. If we are pastors, our ministry will suffer. Our membership will decline. We might not be able to pay our bills.   

In which case we cannot expect to spend eternity with the truth.  We must spend eternity with the lie.  Jesus says:

“I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home.” (Luke 16:9).

Eternal Habitations

A man will end up in the end with what he believes. According to our faith so shall it be unto us. We will end up with who we believe. If we believe in idols, then we should be prepared to spend eternity with the idols where they are. If we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, then we can look forward to spending eternity with Him where He is.

Truth in man comes in response to the truth of God. It is received as a gift from God. This gift comes by way of teaching and also by way of the working of the Holy Spirit in the life of a man. 

Jesus is the word of God. The word of God is truth. The more we read the words of Jesus and trust the Holy Spirit to quicken what we read to our spirit, the more our hearts are cleansed so that we think the pure thoughts of God.

In the end, the pastors, bishops, popes and other members of the religious establishment decided that the way out was to kill Jesus. But can you, O great Christian, kill the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, today? 

Hating the Truth

God is love and He is also the truth. There is a very close relationship between the truth and love. The truth is to be spoken in love. (Ephesians 4:15). 

Love thinks no evil. Love rejoices in the truth. Love believes true things. Love hopes true things. Love never fails to love.

Why do we hate the truth? We hate the truth because the truth is bitter. We hate the truth because the truth exposes us. We hate the truth because the truth reveals who we are. We hate the truth because we believe in self-deception. We hate the truth because we don’t like ourselves. We hate the truth because we are not who we want to be.  We hate the truth because we are not who we claim to be.

We like lies because we cannot handle the truth. Yes, he is a preacher of the gospel.  Everyone acknowledges him as a man of God. But nobody knows he is a closet drunkard. Nobody knows he is having an affair with his secretary. They call him Archbishop, but nobody knows that he is addicted to pornography.

 Would they still love me if they knew the truth? Would they still love me if they knew I am a fraud? Would they still love me if they knew I am still striving against sin? What if they found out that I beat my wife? What if it becomes public knowledge that I have children outside of my marriage? What if they knew that I shoot cocaine? Would they still love me? 

Secrets don’t exist

All the things we are hiding are already known. Nothing is hidden from God.

The prodigal son went away into a far country so that he could be with prostitutes without having to bother with his father. No such luck. God is Jehovah Shammar. Take solace. God knows already. What a relief. 

He knows I am a thief. He knows I have lustful thoughts.

He knows I still shoot cocaine.

God did not send Jesus into the world to condemn the world. He did not send Jesus into the world to condemn me, but to save me. He knows that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Therefore, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. 

Even though my sin is scarlet, the promise of God says His grace will ensure that it will be as white snow. Jesus says about a sinful woman: “Her sins, precisely because they are many, have been forgiven her because she loved much.” She has been accepted into God’s beloved. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.

Gospel of Truth

 We have met the truth and it did not destroy us. The truth is not as damning as we feared. The truth is the gospel. The truth is ultimately good news. 

“Adam, who told you that you were naked? That is not the truth. The truth is that although you have been stealing, you are not a thief. It is not in your nature to steal, beat people up, lie, cheat and fornicate. The truth is that we can be righteous, and live godly lives. God in Christ has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.

The truth is that God has provided the opportunity for the man who has messed up, the man who has blown it, the man who has failed, the man who has sinned and the man who has transgressed to begin again.   

How has he done this? He did it by giving us the avenue to a new birth.

But I am an old man says Nicodemus. Would I have to go back into my mother’s womb? 

It does not matter if you are young or old. It is a spiritual and not a physical rebirth. The slate is wiped clean. The past is forgiven and forgotten. God is the most merciful of all. Once we repent, confess our sins and make a turnaround, He does not remember our sins anymore.

Thanks to the path of life laid out before us by Jesus, the believer has new principles, new affections, and a new nature. He has the divine ability to overcome temptation.

When a man is born again, his spirit is re-generated, quickened and made alive by God. He is now able to see, understand and perceive hitherto hidden things about the kingdom of God. The things of God are spiritually discerned. 

 Nicodemus was a teacher and a ruler of the Jews. Nevertheless, he could not understand this because he was spiritually dead. What Christ spoke spiritually Nicodemus passed through carnal filters?

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). CONCLUDED.

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Warning: This post contains mentions of abuse.

We recently asked divorced people of the BuzzFeed Community who regret ending their marriage to tell us why and what they'd do differently. Here's what they had to say:

1. "My ex-husband and I started dating when we were both 18. We got married at 20 mainly because of issues with his student visa, as he wasn't from the US. I decided I wanted a divorce when we were 24 because I didn't feel how I felt in the beginning; I was attracted to other people, and I wasn't ready to have kids. We're now 37 and talk now and then. I can confidently say he was the best man I've ever been with after all these years. I miss him and our relationship."

"I wish I would've gone to couples counseling or just tried harder to save the relationship instead of just giving up. I realize now that relationships aren't always easy, and you aren't always going to be head over heels for one another. It's about more than that. He's now remarried, and I keep getting screwed over by all the a-holes I choose to date."

—37, USA

2. "I didn’t 'end' my marriage, per se. My wife left me because I was young and angry and abusive. I cheated numerous times and was verbally and, at times, physically abusive. I wish I would’ve looked at my behavior and taken responsibility for my actions instead of blaming her and everyone else. I lost someone who really loved and cared for me, and I’ve given up on ever finding anyone like that again."

"Those people are very rare. Because of our children, she still looks out for me. I wish I would’ve appreciated having someone that special in my life."

—40s, USA

3. "We separated about a year after an affair that I had on him with hopes of rekindling months later, but he, in turn, cheated on me. We never saw each other after the initial separation and are still going through a divorce. If I could do anything differently, it would be to fight FOR your spouse, not WITH them, and COMMUNICATE MORE."

"I know we hear that a lot, but the good, the bad, and the ugly need to be shared with your partner. With grace and forgiveness at your core. If you think you communicate well now, try to do so just a little bit more."

—30, California

4. "My son was 9 years old when I chose to leave and divorce his father. The story is long and tedious, but I was in my selfish, obsessed-with-my-looks era, and I wish I had the wisdom then that I have now. I have a very close relationship with my son, and his father and I maintain a friendship, but since the divorce, I have had one failed relationship after another. It's almost like I'm being punished for not trying harder. I worked in the fitness industry then, and I got a lot of male attention. Instead of taking compliments and letting them go, I became obsessed with how men looked at me. My ex-husband was the love of my life, and I ruined it by craving attention from anyone OTHER than him."

"I was unfaithful one time, and the guilt was so bad that I came clean. Everything fell apart after that. And here I am today, 53 years old, and unable to have a successful relationship. If I could do it all again, I would try harder. That said, I would not have gone back to school and gotten my degree in social work, either, so who knows what the right thing was? What I do know is I am single now and plan to stay that way. It just isn't worth the exhaustion and the heartbreak."

—53, New Hampshire

5. "Although I am likely going to be the one to end my marriage ultimately, it's not by choice. My husband and I had a solid marriage, but miscommunication and life issues (kids with medical issues, aging parents, and work stress) got in the way without us realizing it until it was almost too late. My husband finally confessed he wasn't sure he loved me anymore or if he wanted to be married."

"I knew things weren't perfect and had tried to get him to open up, but he denied any unhappiness before this shocking revelation. I figured we would work through it and come out better on the other side. Fast-forward three years of counseling and trial separations (which never went well; we are best friends who have a hard time not sharing our lives) and trips away — both as a family and just the two of us. Things have improved immensely, and I have much hope and faith in a fabulous future together. However, my husband is still unsure about what he wants, and I am no longer willing to put myself or our children in such an uncertain position. So, I plan to walk away in a few weeks if he can't definitively say he's in for the long haul. It sucks because there was no cheating, no abuse, and no bad behavior — just a slow drift apart. He is a good man and father, and I still love him. And I know he still loves me. I can't live the rest of my life in limbo and won't put my children through this any longer, but I know we will both have many regrets."

—47, Washington


6. "I would have gone to counseling and understood that my depression was eating at me. Yes, he was a jerk, but it wasn't anything that we couldn't have overcome to save our marriage. I hate having to share custody and not be with my son every day. I hate that I have these regrets. I hate that I didn't try harder and give him an opportunity to try. It's been eight years, and we're both remarried to other people, but if I could go back, I would have done everything differently."

"I would have stayed and worked on it with him so we could still be a family. I miss my little family so very much."

—45, Texas

7. "I had an amazing husband. High school sweethearts who got it right. Then there was menopause, financial troubles, and a few years of being empty nesters. I lost a ton of weight and went back to school. A girlfriend who I had known for only a couple of years kept telling me I settled and deserved better. I should have considered the source; she had been divorced for 12 years and thought all men were worthless. My best friend of 20 years tried to get through to me, but I didn't listen. I end up going online for curiosity and the thrill. I got wrapped up in an affair, and my dear husband said he would forgive me."

"Too much had happened in my mind, and the other guy was leaving his wife and saying he loved and needed me. So, I now felt responsible for my affair guy. His soon-to-be ex stalked him and was wild enough to key my car and follow my kids. So, I ended up married to the affair guy. My kids have never looked at me the same, and it all came out. I lost my lifelong friends. My ex has a third wife now. She is a keeper. We go to the same small church, but it still hurts to see the life I destroyed. He was and is a great guy. I'm glad he is finally happy. Our boys are grateful for what great parents we are to each other and them, even though we have been divorced for almost 10 years. We even spent a long weekend with our current spouses, kids, and stepkids. My ex could have been a real jerk, but he has always been just as kind to me divorced as when we were married! Even my affair husband will comment on how my ex and I are so much alike in speech and mannerisms. Me, I have finally gotten up the courage to leave my affair husband."

—53, Texas

8. "We were married for 21 years. I wish we would have tried some real counseling. We did try with a 'relationship expert,' but I don't think it was quite the same thing — although, it was always pulling teeth to get my husband to talk to anyone. When we decided to divorce, we started getting along so much better. Even after the divorce, we are practically best friends, which is nice but also sad at the same time."

"I'm always thinking, 'What if we tried harder?' Obviously, I knew what divorce was, but its seriousness and finality somehow surprised me."

—50, Tennessee

9. "My soon-to-be ex-husband and I have been together for 10 years. We have two young children, and we ended our marriage in May. I always thought anything could be solved as long as you communicate. But it didn't matter how much we talked or got couples counseling; we just couldn't see each other's point of view. Due to financial reasons, we still have to live close to each other. He's in our house, and I'm on the driveway in a caravan. I think it will be like this for a couple of years. I still love him and wish it could work, but we both know we can't be what the other person needs."

"Although we get on well now, almost like good friends, if we tried again, we'd have the same problems. I need him to be more emotional and romantic, and he needs me to be a good housewife and not complain."

—38, England

10. "It was the quintessential grass is always greener. I didn't realize how great he was until I screwed up. It was an emotional affair; I left him over it, and I crushed him. It haunts me to this day, even though it has been 15 years. He is a great guy and a great father. He's happy now, and I'm glad, but not a day goes by where I don't wish that I would have looked for the greener grass with him."

—59, Pennsylvania

11. "I ended my marriage after 20 years. My spouse just was not a go-getter; he left the military after 13 years because they were giving 'bonuses,' lied about attending orientation to receive free tuition for college, and didn't participate as a parent unless directed. He was just a boy that never grew up or emotionally matured. He did everything I asked but secretly resented me for it. I had three daughters when we met, and I thought he was the best choice for us. Fast-forward 20 years, and I tell him, 'I know you love me; I just don't believe it anymore.'"

"His response: 'I'm still married to you, aren't I?' Cue divorce as fast as I can file for $150! Ten years later, and after years of therapy, I realized I should've just created a life outside of him, on the side, and done whatever the hell I wanted. I am older and wiser now, and even though I am the baddest b*tch around, he is still that same no-ambition guy; I would've loved to have the company and good lay still every day."

—52, South Carolina


12. "I didn't end the marriage because I wanted to — my ex-husband did, and he never said that he was seeing someone else. Now, I'm the one who is heartbroken and hurting."

—35, USA

13. "We married young and had our son less than a year later. We didn't really have a chance to be married, just the two of us. We stopped communicating and helping each other, and I would complain about our marriage to anyone who would listen. I ended up having multiple affairs and leaving him for another man. BIG MISTAKE. The grass was not greener (as everyone tried to tell me). Years later, after I had left the BIG MISTAKE, my ex and I sat down with our son and had a heart-to-heart about the past, and if mom and dad had just talked to each other, we might have stood a chance."

"I missed so many milestones in my son's life, selfishly chasing my own happiness. Even so, I never wanted to get back together with my ex — too many mistakes on my part to make up for. The guilt and shame was and is too great to bear. The thought of hurting him and my son like that again makes me want to stay away and let them rebuild."

—39, Michigan

14. "I had an emotional affair and felt like I had irrevocably destroyed my marriage. That was further confirmed when I started developing feelings for someone else. I told my spouse about it immediately and felt we needed to separate because of it. I never thought I would be the person to have an affair, to hurt my spouse the way I did, and the shame and guilt from that was and still is overwhelming."

"We ended the marriage amicably, but now, there is a possibility we are getting back together. It all is just so confusing and tough, and a part of me wishes we never got divorced in the first place and fought to work it out. It's all just very messy now."

—30, California

And finally...

15. "We were too young when we married and became more like siblings. The divorce was amicable, and I've since remarried and have two kids I'd never give back. Now, 20 years later (older and wiser), I regret giving up so soon for 'greener pastures' back then. As frustrating as it was, I think if we could have communicated better on our wants and needs from each other, we could have lasted."

"The older me feels my life now would mesh perfectly with my ex, and I think, 'maybe in another 20 years,' we'll be the grandparents on the wrap-around porch together. I regret losing touch with him because I think we would be really compatible at this point in our lives."

—46, Colorado

If you regret ending your marriage and feel comfortable sharing your story, tell us why and what you would do differently in the comments below. Or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, feel free to use this Google form.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.


The nationwide protests against economic hardship and government policies in Nigeria continued for a second day on Friday, August 2, 2024, with escalating tensions between demonstrators and security forces in several parts of the country.

Key Developments:

1. Abuja Protests:

- Thousands of protesters shut down Abuja's Central Business District, marching towards Eagle Square.

- Police dispersed protesters near the National Hospital using tear gas and live ammunition, injuring some demonstrators.

- Defiant protesters regrouped at Berger Roundabout despite police actions.

2. Military Warning:

- The Chief of Defence Staff, Christopher Musa, threatened military intervention if violence escalates.

- He warned against looting and vandalism, stating the military would not allow the country to be destroyed.

3. Police Crackdown:

- Police reported arresting over 1,100 protesters across the country.

- In Abuja, police engaged in a "fierce gun duel" with alleged hoodlums.

4. Violence and Curfews:

- At least five northern states (Kano, Borno, Katsina, Yobe, Jigawa) imposed curfews following violence.

- Hoodlums attacked the Red Cross office in Yobe, burning vehicles.

5. Casualties and Arrests:

- Civil society groups report 21 deaths and 1,154 arrests on the first day of protests.

- Over 500 arrests confirmed by police in six states.

6. Continued Protests:

- Demonstrations continued in Lagos, Osun, and Plateau states.

- In Plateau, Christians and Muslims united in protest, showing solidarity.

7. Government Response:

- President Tinubu, through Vice President Shettima, defended economic policies at an African Caucus Meeting.

- Opposition figures, including Atiku Abubakar, called on the government to heed protesters' demands.

8. Media Attacks:

- The International Press Institute Nigeria warned against attacks on journalists covering the protests.

9. Economic Context:

- Protests driven by concerns over high living costs, unemployment, and perceived government inaction.

- Government claims economic reforms are yielding positive results despite current challenges.


The second day of protests saw an intensification of both demonstrator activity and security force response. The military's warning of potential intervention signals a concerning escalation. The widespread nature of the protests, spanning multiple states and uniting diverse groups, underscores the depth of economic discontent in Nigeria. The government's continued defense of its economic policies suggests a potential impasse between authorities and protesters, raising concerns about further unrest if grievances are not addressed.

The situation remains fluid, with the potential for further escalation or de-escalation depending on government response and protest dynamics in the coming days.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Ltd is currently scouting for a fresh $2 billion loan in Europe, TheCable understands.

This will be repaid with 35,000 barrels per day over the tenor of the loan, insiders have told TheCable.

Reuters recently reported that Mele Kyari, group chief executive officer (GCEO) of NNPC, was in talks for a new oil-backed loan to finance the firm’s operations.

Given the low number of NNPC’s share of oil production in the country, the proposed deal will significantly affect what is available to the national oil company, which has been mandated to supply crude to Dangote refinery, payable in naira.

Although Nigeria’s current output is estimated at 1.3 million barrels per day, the country’s share of it is thought to be less than half because of the nature of the production sharing contracts (PSCs) that govern offshore production where most of the drilling takes place.

A large chunk of Nigeria’s share is already committed to various loans and crude swap agreements to import petrol which is then sold at averagely N700 per litre, although the landing cost is over N1,000 per litre.

The NNPC has consistently denied suggestions that petrol is still subsidised.

TheCable understands that top NNPC officials are currently in Europe to source the loans and are targeting Standard Chartered Bank in the UK.

There is yet no significant progress, insiders said.


The latest development is not the first time the national oil firm will be running to lenders for financial support using Nigeria’s most vital economic resource as a repayment plan.

In August 2023, the NNPC secured a $3 billion crude-backed loan from the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) to support the naira and stabilise the foreign exchange (FX) market.

In the deal, the oil company pledged a total of 164.25 million barrels of crude oil — at 90,000 barrels per day — starting from 2024 to repay the loan through Project Gazelle Funding Ltd, a special purpose vehicle (SPV) incorporated in the Bahamas.

In January, Afreximbank announced the first disbursement of $2.25 billion under the crude oil prepayment facility. The lender also paid out an additional $925 million in June.


In the past weeks, Nigerians have witnessed a bitter brawl between the Dangote refinery and industry regulators, drawing stakeholders’ attention across the board.

The refinery has been unable to source crude locally but it has now been resolved that the NNPC should prioritise local refineries, including Dangote.

The refinery will buy the crude in naira and save Nigeria over $610 million in hard currency monthly on fuel imports, according to Zach Adedeji, chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS).

On July 22, Aliko Dangote, chairman of the refinery, had alleged that some officials of the NNPC, oil traders and terminals have a blending plant in Malta.

An oil blending plant has no refining capability but can be used to blend re-refined oil (a used motor oil that has been treated to remove dirt, fuel, and water) with additives to create finished lubricant products.

The allegation marked the climax of a conflict that was stoked by claims by the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA) that local refineries — including the Dangote refinery — produce substandard petroleum products.

In his defence, Mele Kyari, the group chief executive officer (GCEO) of NNPC said he does not own a blending plant in Malta. He also denied knowing of any employee of the oil firm that operates such a facility.

The house of representatives joint committee on petroleum resources (downstream and midstream) is currently investigating several claims relating to the dispute — including the alleged production of inferior products by local refineries, the “indiscriminate” issuance of licences, and the importation of substandard petroleum products into Nigeria.


The Cable

Slain Hamas leader Haniyeh buried in Qatar amid vows of revenge against Israel

Hamas' top leader Ismail Haniyeh was buried in Qatar on Friday following his assassination in the Iranian capital Tehran, and his possible succcessor told mourners his death would only make the Palestinian militant group more determined in its struggle against Israel.

Haniyeh's death was one in a series of killings of senior Hamas figures as the war in Gaza between Hamas and Israel nears its 11th month and concern grows that the conflict is spreading across the Middle East.

Hamas and Iran have both accused Israel of carrying out the assassination and have pledged to retaliate against their foe. Israel has not claimed responsibility for the death nor denied it.

Haniyeh was laid to rest in a cemetery in the city of Lusail after a funeral ceremony at the Iman Mohamed Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab Mosque in Qatar's capital Doha.

His coffin, draped in the Palestinian flag, was carried in a procession past hundreds of people along with the casket of his bodyguard, who was killed in the same attack in Tehran on Wednesday.

Mourners at the ceremony included Khaled Meshaal, who is tipped to be the new Hamas leader. Other senior Hamas officials and Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani also attended.

Speaking at the mosque, where Haniyeh's body was laid for prayers, Meshaal said his death would only make the group more determined to continue its fight for a free Palestine. There would be no concessions over its principles and no recognition of Israel, he said.

"Palestine will remain from the river to the sea...and the Zionists (Israel) have no place on the land of Palestine, regardless of how many they kill of us," Meshaal said in a video released by Hamas.

Haniyeh's death was a big loss to the movement but it would not alter their course, he said.

"Our enemies don't learn the lesson, they have been killing our leaders for over 100 years, what happened? When a leader ascends (to heaven) another leader comes," he said.

Senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters by phone: "Our message to the occupation (Israel) today is that you are sinking deep in the mud and your end is getting closer than ever. The blood of Haniyeh will change all equations."

Haniyeh was killed by a missile that hit him directly in a state guesthouse in Tehran where he was staying, senior Hamas official Khalil Al-Hayya said in Tehran.

The strike was one of several recent hits that have killed senior figures in Hamas or the Lebanese movement Hezbollah in a conflict that is now stretching from Gaza to the Red Sea and the Lebanon-Israel border and beyond.

In the United States, U.S. President Joe Biden said Haniyeh's killing was not helpful to international efforts to secure a ceasefire in the war in Gaza.

"It doesn't help," Biden told reporters on Thursday, when asked if the action ruined the chances of a truce.

Qatar has been leading the peace effort along with Egypt and the United States, Israel's main ally.


Haniyeh was the face of Hamas' international diplomacy as an Israeli offensive destroyed Gaza.

He was seen by many diplomats as a pragmatist compared to the more hardline members of the Iran-backed group inside Gaza, although some Israeli commentators have said he was considered by some on the Israeli side as an obstacle to a deal.

Three of his sons were killed in an Israeli airstrike in the besieged enclave in April along with four of his grandchildren, Hamas said.

For Palestinian supporters, the Hamas leadership are fighters for liberation from Israeli occupation, keeping their cause alive when international diplomacy has failed them.

To Israelis and Western states, the Iran-backed Hamas, which has directed suicide bombings in Israel and fought frequent wars against it, is a terrorist group bent on Israel's destruction.

Appointed to the Hamas top job in 2017, Haniyeh moved between Turkey and Doha, escaping the travel curbs of the blockaded Gaza Strip.

In May, the International Criminal Court prosecutor's office requested arrest warrants for three Hamas leaders, including Haniyeh, as well as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for alleged war crimes. Israel and Palestinian leaders have dismissed the allegations.

Israel has announced that an air strike it mounted last month assassinated Hamas military leader Mohammed Deif in Gaza. Hamas has not confirmed or denied the death of Deif.

Hezbollah said that its senior military commander Fuad Shukr had been killed in an Israeli strike on a building in Beirut on Tuesday and it vowed a "definite" response to his killing.

** Hezbollah resumes steady rocket, artillery fire against Israel

Hezbollah forces on Friday resumed rocket and artillery attacks against Israel, ending the lull along the border following Israel's killing of the Lebanese group's military commander in Beirut.

Hezbollah said it had fired a surface-to-air missile at an Israeli warplane flying in Lebanese airspace overnight and forced it to turn back. Its forces also carried out two artillery attacks and two rocket strikes at military positions in northern Israel, it said.

The Israeli military said in a statement it had successfully intercepted an aerial target coming from Lebanon into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

Israeli airstrikes and artillery fire hit several villages in southern Lebanon on Friday, according to Lebanese state media, a day after an Israeli strike killed at least five Syrian migrant workers in southern Lebanon, according to medics.

The Israeli military also said it had hit two Hezbollah fighters in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in an address on Thursday that he had ordered calm along the border following the Israeli airstrike in Beirut on Tuesday that killed military commander Fuad Shukr out of respect for the victims and to consider what the next steps should be.

The strike on the Hezbollah stronghold of Dahiyeh in Beirut's southern suburbs also killed an Iranian military adviser and five civilians.

Nasrallah said Hezbollah would retaliate but it would need to study what their response would be, and would otherwise resume its usual military operations against Israel.

Hezbollah and the Israeli military have been trading fire for nearly 10 months in parallel with the Gaza war, with exchanges mostly limited to the border area.

But strikes since last week have threatened to tip the conflict into a full-scale regional war.

Israel and the United States have accused Hezbollah of killing 12 youths in a July 27 rocket attack on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, a claim Hezbollah has denied.

The United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon, known as UNIFIL, told Reuters on Friday it had not investigated the incident as the Israeli-occupied Golan is outside its mandated area of operations.


Russian troops inch forward in Ukraine's east with waves of bombs and infantry

Russian assaults are raising pressure on the strategic eastern logistics hub of Pokrovsk, Ukraine said on Friday, as waves of guided bombs and infantry lead to some of Moscow's largest territorial gains since the spring.

The push is fuelling a surge in civilians fleeing, with requests for evacuation in the area increasing about tenfold over the past two weeks, according to a volunteer helping people leave.

Russian forces have been steadily inching forward on several fronts in the eastern Donetsk region, staging particularly fierce attacks near Pokrovsk with Kyiv's troops stretched thin 29 months since Russia's full-scale invasion.

Russia's gains of around 57 square km (22 square miles) in the space of a week are the third largest recorded since April after they made only modest gains in June, Pasi Paroinen, an analyst with the Black Bird Group, told Reuters.

Russian forces are using warplanes and artillery fire to support waves of infantry assaults in the area near Pokrovsk, Ruslan Muzychuk, a spokesperson for Ukraine's National Guard said in televised remarks.

"These assaults are not always supported by armoured vehicles, often it is infantry assaults," he said, flagging the bombing by Russian warplanes as a particular problem.

"It's a significant threat ... because the Pokrovsk and Toretsk fronts are taking a large share of the daily aviation strikes carried out on the positions of Ukrainian defenders."

Russia's Ministry of Defence said its forces had captured five settlements in the Donetsk region in the past week.

Russia's use of warplanes to fire guided bombs was crucial for Moscow's battlefield tactics, said Valeriy Romanenko, a Kyiv-based aviation expert, who compared it to a "conveyor belt".

"The Russians are not piercing our defence, they are pushing it back. They are advancing 100, 150, 200 metres every day using this tactic: dropping guided bombs, then a 'meat assault', (and if those are) repelled, dropping guided bombs again, a 'meat assault' again."

He said the supply of U.S. F-16 fighters to Ukraine could disrupt that dynamic if the jets were able to threaten Russian warplanes, but that such operations were unlikely for now given the risk it would present for the new pilots operating expensive jets.

Paroinen said the Russian offensives around the settlements of Toretsk and Niu York as well as the one to the east of Pokrovsk around the villages of Ocheretyne and Prohres had created a "double crisis" for Ukraine towards the end of June.

That, he said, followed the Russian offensive into the northeastern Kharkiv region, which was halted by Ukraine, but opened a new front and spread the defenders extremely thin.


Roman Buhayov, an evacuation driver from humanitarian organization East SOS, told Reuters that the number of requests for evacuation in the area had increased about tenfold over the past two weeks.

On Friday, he drove a bus evacuating residents from Novohrodivka, a town with a pre-war population of some 14,000 near Pokrovsk. It now lies around 10 km from the front line, which inches closer each day.

Antonina Kalashnikova, 62, and her disabled son Denys, 34, evacuated their pummelled home by taking Buhayov's bus to Pokrovsk where she spoke to Reuters.

Together with their neighbour, they arrived to the town with all of their possessions reduced to a few market bags before continuing their journey to the southern city of Mykolaiv.

"They started bombing heavily and it became extremely frightening. We didn't sleep all night, and we decided to leave," Kalashnikova said. "They are destroying everything."



Russia pounds Ukrainian military enterprises, troop deployment sites over week — top brass

Russian troops delivered 11 strikes by precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) against Ukrainian military-industrial enterprises, military trains, troop and mercenaries’ deployment sites over the past week in the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Friday.

"On July 27 - August 2, the Russian Armed Forces delivered 11 combined strikes by precision weapons and attack unmanned aerial vehicles, hitting Ukrainian military-industrial enterprises engaged in the production and repair of armor, assembly workshops and storage sites of attack UAVs. In addition, the strikes targeted depots storing ammunition, air-launched weapons and missile/artillery armament, military trains and temporary deployment sites of the Ukrainian army and foreign mercenaries," the ministry said in a statement.

Ukrainian army loses 13,570 troops in all frontline areas over week

The Ukrainian army lost roughly 13,570 troops in battles with Russian forces in all the frontline areas over the past week, according to the latest data released by Russia’s Defense Ministry.

The data show that on July 27 - August 2 the Ukrainian army suffered roughly 1,755 casualties from Russia’s Battlegroup North, 3,605 casualties from the Battlegroup West, 4,020 casualties from the Battlegroup South, 2,635 casualties from the Battlegroup Center, 905 casualties from the Battlegroup East and 650 casualties from the Battlegroup Dnepr.

Russia’s Battlegroup North inflicts 1,755 casualties on Ukrainian army over week

Russia’s Battlegroup North repelled 27 Ukrainian army counterattacks and inflicted roughly 1,755 casualties on enemy troops in its area of responsibility over the past week, the ministry reported.

"During the week, Battlegroup North units inflicted damage on manpower and equipment of a mechanized brigade, an assault brigade, a motorized infantry brigade, an air assault brigade and an infantry brigade of the Ukrainian army, a marine infantry brigade, three territorial defense brigades and a National Guard brigade. They repelled 27 enemy counterattacks," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in that frontline area over the week amounted to 1,755 personnel, two tanks, six armored combat vehicles, including a Turkish-made Kirpi armored vehicle and two US-made HMMWV armored vehicles, 12 motor vehicles and 20 field artillery guns, among them five Western-made 155mm howitzers and self-propelled artillery guns, it specified.

In addition, Russian forces destroyed six field ammunition depots of the Ukrainian army over the week, the ministry said.

Russia’s Battlegroup West inflicts 3,605 casualties on Ukrainian army over week

Russia’s Battlegroup West inflicted roughly 3,605 casualties on Ukrainian troops in its area of responsibility over the past week, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup West units gained more advantageous frontiers and positions and inflicted casualties on formations of three mechanized brigades and an assault brigade of the Ukrainian army, three territorial defense brigades and also nationalists of the Azov brigade [outlawed in Russia as a terrorist organization]. They repulsed 12 counterattacks by enemy assault groups," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in that frontline area over the past week amounted to 3,605 personnel, five tanks, eight armored combat vehicles, 66 motor vehicles, 41 field artillery guns, including 13 Western-and Ukrainian-made 155mm self-propelled artillery systems and howitzers, it specified.

In addition, Russian troops destroyed 10 electronic warfare systems and counterbattery radar stations and 22 field ammunition depots of the Ukrainian army, the ministry said.

Russia’s Battlegroup South inflicts 4,020 casualties on Ukrainian army over week

Russia’s Battlegroup South inflicted roughly 4,020 casualties on Ukrainian troops and destroyed a German-made Leopard tank in its area of responsibility over the week, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup South units improved their forward edge positions as a result of active operations. They inflicted damage on manpower and equipment of four mechanized, two air assault, two airmobile brigades and an assault brigade of the Ukrainian army. They repelled five enemy counterattacks," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in that frontline area over the past week amounted to 4,020 personnel and two tanks, including a German-made Leopard tank. The Ukrainian army also lost 10 armored combat vehicles, among them three US-made M113 armored personnel carriers, 19 motor vehicles and 68 field artillery guns, including 33 Western-made weapons, it specified.

"Nine electronic warfare systems and counterbattery radar stations and 20 field ammunition depots were destroyed," the ministry said.

Russia’s Battlegroup Center liberates five communities in DPR over week

Russia’s Battlegroup Center liberated five communities in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) over the past week, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup Center units liberated the settlements of Lozovatskoye, Progress, Yevgenovka, Volchye and Leninskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic in active operations," the ministry said.



Saturday, 03 August 2024 04:39

Snake dies from man’s bite

A man in the Indian state of Bihar gave a snake a taste of its own proverbial venom by biting it to death, local media reported on Friday.

According to local reports, Santosh Lohar, a worker employed on a railroad project in Rajouli, was sleeping at his base camp earlier this week when the incident occurred. A snake, presumed to be venomous, decided to snack on the sleeping man, entering the tent and biting him.

Santosh woke up and attacked the reptile, slamming it with an iron rod and biting it back several times. The snake was fatally injured and died on the spot.

The laborer claimed that he responded the way he did in accordance with a local custom.

“In my village, there’s a belief that if a snake bites you, you must bite it back twice to neutralize the venom,” he stated.

Given the dubious reliability of the folk remedy, many locals doubted the reptile was venomous in the first place. Santosh has been hospitalized for his snake bite wound and is now recovering.


Russia Today

A commonly used blood thinner can be used as an antidote to cobra venom, an international study has found, research that a Queenslandexpert has called “really exciting”.

In the study, published in the Journal of Science Translational Medicine on Thursday, Prof Nicholas Casewell described snakebites as the “deadliest of neglected tropical diseases, with its burden landing overwhelmingly on rural communities in low and middle income countries”.

Cobra bites are usually treated using antivenom administered through an intravenous drip, meaning the drug reaches the bloodstream rather than the tissue. Antivenom treatments are therefore ineffective in treating necrosis, the irreversible death of body tissue, which can lead to amputation or a loss of limb function. Treatment is also expensive, and it can take days for patients to get to a hospital.

The lead author of the study, Tian Du from the University of Sydney, said if human trials were successful, heparin – a blood thinner that can directly reach infected tissue – could be used on-site, most likely in combination with other drugs.

Du said after successful human trials, heparin, which is a World HealthOrganization-listed essential medicine, could be rolled out relatively quickly to become a cheap, safe and effective drug for treating cobra bites.

While she said it was unclear at this stage how much heparin would reduce tissue damage, she was hopeful that damage will be reduced by 50% to 100%, depending on the dosage and how quickly the drug is delivered.

The WHO has announced a goal of halving the number of deaths and disability due to snakebites by 2030, having recognised snakebites as a priority among neglected tropical diseases. While the number of people bitten by cobras is unclear, cobra species account for most snakebite incidents in parts of India and Africa.

The research team analysed which genes are targeted by snake venom. They then identified these genes are responsible for producing heparan sulfate on the surface of cells, as well as heparin sulfate, which is released in an immune response. Heparin acts as a decoy antidote binding to and neutralising toxins within the venom which causes tissue damage.

The researchers used the same method to find an antidote to box jellyfish venom in 2019, and are working on finding similar antidotes for Australian black snakes and blue bottle stings.

Associate Prof Bryan Fry, a venom expert at the University of Queensland who wasn’t involved in the study, said the research was “really exciting stuff”.

“Cobra venoms cause profound local tissue damage … it’s like you’ve injected the person with acid,” he said. “This is the first study of its type with this particular toxin class and the action that it has.”


The Guardian, UK

FCT Abuja: The protests in Abuja were marked by roadblocks on major roads, particularly the Zuba-Kubwa expressway, where protesters restricted access except for vehicles with leaves. Security forces struggled to disperse the groups, which kept regrouping. In Asokoro, protesters defied gunshots and teargas, marching towards the seat of power and causing significant disruptions. A PREMIUM TIMES journalist was attacked and injured by police while covering the protests.


Lagos State: Protests in Lagos saw police dispersing crowds with teargas at the Lekki tollgate, a site of significance from the 2020 anti-police brutality protests. Demonstrations occurred in Ikeja, Ojota, and Lekki despite a court order restricting protests to designated parks.


Niger State: Soldiers reopened the Abuja-Kaduna highway after protesters had blocked it for hours. There were reports of deaths and arrests following confrontations between security forces and protesters. Hoodlums set part of the Tafa LGA secretariat on fire, leading to 11 arrests.


Nasarawa State: Thousands of youths blocked the Makurdi/Jos highway, making it difficult for security operatives to manage the situation. Protesters held placards demanding President Tinubu's resignation and the reversal of fuel subsidy removal.


Borno State: A 24-hour curfew was declared in response to a bomb explosion and ongoing protests. The curfew was intended to restore peace and order.


Kano State: Violent protests in Kano resulted in the death of one person and the burning of a filling station and the NCC office. The governor declared a 24-hour curfew to curb the escalating violence.


Yobe State: In Potiskum, protesters set seven buses ablaze, prompting a 24-hour curfew in several towns. Security forces struggled to control the violence.


Katsina State: Protests near former President Buhari's residence involved bonfires and chants against hunger and bad governance. The APC office in Dutsinma was burnt, one protester was killed, and a police officer was injured as protests turned violent. Commercial activities were halted as protesters demanded government action on hunger, insecurity, and fuel subsidy restoration.


Oyo State: Hundreds of young people and residents marched across major roads in Ibadan, protesting poor governance and hunger. They demanded the scrapping of the 1999 Constitution, investment in education, reversal of fuel prices, and food price control. The protests were peaceful, with no injuries or acts of violence reported. The protesters vowed to continue until their demands are met.

Overall, the protests highlighted widespread dissatisfaction with the government, marked by significant disruptions, clashes with security forces, and sporadic violence across multiple states.


Akwa Ibom:

- Low protest turnout due to rain.

- Confusion over protest location, initially set at Plaza but changed to Cenotaph.

- Protesters demand end to bad governance, criticize temporary palliatives.


Delta State:

- Four journalists attacked by anti-protesters in Asaba.

- Protesters in Port Harcourt called for constitutional change and reversal of fuel subsidy removal.

Warri and Surrounding Areas:

- Residents avoided protest due to heavy security presence.

- Limited commercial activities and high fuel prices reported.

- Protests in Ughelli and Sapele started late but remained peaceful.


Rivers State

- Governor Fubara appealed for peace, promising improvements in governance.

- Shops, banks, and public offices shut, reflecting widespread support for the protest.

- Protesters in Bayelsa clashed with youths opposed to the hunger protest but were protected by police.

- In Ughelli North, protesters were teargassed by security agents, leading to tyre burning and road blockades.


Edo State:

- Streets deserted in Benin City as major roads and businesses closed.

- Heavy security presence at government buildings.

- Protesters gathered peacefully, demanding better governance and reduced fuel prices.

- Skirmishes reported in outskirts with hoodlums attempting to hijack the protest.

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