Sunday, 20 October 2024 04:51

Faithfulness: The pathway to divine approval - Taiwo Akinola

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Taiwo Akinola Taiwo Akinola

And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own ~ Luke 16:12?


Everyone loves to associate and have dealings with faithful people. Sadly, this attribute is fast becoming old-fashioned and neglected everywhere in many quarters of the world today. Thus, David both exclaimed and lamented that godly men are disappearing and the faithful failing among the children of men (Psalm 12:1-2).

Faithfulness means staying with or supporting a particular person, organization, belief or cause. It necessitates having staying powers, the ability to keep at a task, and doing what you are required to do with or without supervision, especially without supervision. It’s not usually easy to find faithful people.

Faithful people don’t renege on their promises, even when it hurts so bad (Psalm 15:4). They go the whole hog; their word is their bond. When you commit something into their hands, you can go to sleep, for they will not stop until they see it to a desirable conclusion.

Anyone can start a process, but finishing it is a different kettle of fish. The finisher's abilityseparates the men from the boys, especiallyin God’s kingdom matters.

Dr. Luke tells us that anyone who is faithful in little could be trusted to be faithful in much(Luke 16:10). If you cannot demonstrate your commitment of love to God by giving for His work when you are earning a small amount of money, chances are you won't be able to give even if you earn a fat one! If you can’t obey God when you’re relatively unknown, chances are that you will not when your fame arrives.

God is able to bless us, but He requires that we be faithful. If you cannot be faithful in another man's business, who will give you your own? If you are not faithful in your services in the Church of Jesus Christ, who will commit to your hands weightier mysteries of God’s kingdom?

A person who is unfaithful is not likely to go beyond the stage of being an employee, and even at that he won’t give his best. Hence, an unfaithful person cannot become an asset where he works. If he volunteers to resign, his employer will heave a sigh of reliefbecause he must have been looking for a way to sack him!

Meanwhile, the way of the faithful is not so. lf for any reason he or she indicates interest in disengaging from service for any reason, the employer will rather look for means to make him stay by tantalizing him with gracious offers. By all means, friends, be faithful to the Lord where you are.

The Bible says "Whatsoever thine hand findeth to do, do it with thy might..."(Ecclesiastes 9:10). Child of God, work diligently wherever you find yourself with a due sense of faithfulness and decency. Carve a niche for yourself! Begin to do it now: start to become what you want to become, time is running out!

Now, it takes God's faithfulness for us to sleep each and every night while it is dark, and wake up to a bright morning. No wonder, people use the parlance "as sure as the dawn".

Be like God! Be faithful!! Every child carries the father's DNA. If as children of God, we are not faithful nor dependable, have no staying powers, and cannot see a task through to a meaningful conclusion just likefair-weather people do, then I wonder whose DNA we carry!

As children of God, we are stewards of His mysteries — the secrets He cannot entrust to just anyone. As such it behoves us to be faithful (1Corinthians 4:1-2).

In the days that I got born again, the most faithful, loyal and upright persons were to be found amongst Christians. Employers sought them out to engage. Even unbelievers would want to marry Christian ladies then, because they knew their hearts could safely trust in them.

Sadly, this scenario has changed. As a matter of fact, nowadays, when some people say they are Christians, you need to watch your back in your dealings with them. This is a dismal situation! No wonder that Jesus said: "Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth (Luke 18:8)?

It behoves us to choose to be different. You and I can be the change we want to see in the world. Let's arise and be doing. Let’s be true and faithful.

Nonetheless, being faithful doesn't come cheap! lt has to be worked at, diligently. There are a lot of things that can militate against you in your quest to be faithful: the systems of this world, peer pressure, unfaithful men and women all around us, the allure of riches, some personal idiosyncrasies, etcetera.

We must never allow ourselves to be drowned in the vortex of the ungodliness that's making the rounds in our world today. We must stand out to be counted for the Lord, just like Daniel and his three friends, Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego in the land of Babylon.

ln the book of Ecclesiastes 11:6, the Bible admonishes us to be consistent in whatever task that is assigned to us. We must continue, faithfully discharging whatever assignment we are given, whether in our workplaces or in the house of God. We must take cognizance of the fact that we are ministers in the marketplaces, we're God's ambassadors.

Heaven forbid that we drag the Lord’s name into the mud by offering wishy-washy services! Never postpone the time of your relevance, keep on giving your best to God and to your employer, knowing that, in the end, God is your employer, not that boss that you see.

In Revelation 1:5, the Bible refers to Jesus Christ as the faithful witness. If our Saviour is faithful, how ought we to live our lives? If He were to witness concerning you today, what would He say? No doubt, it is dangerous if,through our actions and/or inactions, we are nailing Jesus to the Cross a second time.

God is always able to bestow blessings on us that will make us  wonders unto our contemporaries, yes, even now. God knows where the green pastures are, and He can take us there, but our ticket is being faithful to the point that we gain heaven's trust! We cannot continue in sin and expect God's grace to abound (Roman 6:1-2).

Heaven is not an all-comer affair! God is holy and He expects His children to be like Him. Yes, even in this untoward generation, we are to shine as lights (Matthew 5:14-16).

Friends and brethren, it's high time you became faithful, if you hope to hear Jesus say to you; "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord"(Matthew 25:21). May you never miss this, in Jesus. Amen. Happy Sunday!


Bishop Taiwo Akinola,

Rhema Christian Church,

Otta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

Connect with Bishop Akinola via these channels:


SMS/WhatsApp: +234 802 318 4987

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