And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal ~ 1Corinthians 12:6-7.
Our modern day world needs strong interventions and unmistakable helps from heaven now more than ever! Troubling end-time signs and prophecies as foretold by Jesus Christ are being fulfilled daily (Luke 21:16-28).
Even the socio-political environment is very concerning, globally. Many people that are born as kingdom stars now live as commoners on the earth, and may eventually die in obscurity. Nevertheless, fulfilling our destiny remains top on God's priority list.
God always wants to manifest His power, signs and wonders in our midst, to liberate His people from the yokes of sin, poverty, sickness, fear and curse. However, He does so only when He finds us yielded to His power and principles (Isaiah 8:18).
To manifest means to show up, to come to light, or to stand to be discovered. By now, it should have dawned on us that the Holy Spirit is hidden in Himself until an atmosphere is created for His manifestation. Thus, we must work on ourselves, and cooperate well enough with Him to unleash His supernatural power (Luke 16:11-12)!
The concept of the “supernatural” spans the entire Bible, and it’s crucial for every believer to fully grasp it. The revelation of God’s Word is the most formidable secret of supernatural intervention. With God’s Word, the atmosphere changes, darkness fleesand bondages are broken.
Concerning Spiritual Things
We must accept that there are profound mysteries concerning things pertaining to, related with and of the Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 29:29; 1Timothy 3:16). We cannot afford to be ignorant of these, if we wish to enjoy all-round fulfilment in our destinies (1Corinthians 12:1-2).
All of us have seen and/or heard of the performances of real dark magic in many regions of the world today. We also must have heard of magical spells, etcetera. All these dark operations hidden in plain sight are just calling us to fully open our eyes to see the world for what it is.
We must arise as ambassadors of light in our generation to release positive supernatural agencies to mitigate the deceptive works of darkness in our lives and in our communities.
There’s a real spirit world. However, the high note for all believers in Christ is that we’re superior to all the dark operators in the spirit realm, because we’re Christ’s representatives in this world (1John 4:17).
Behind all the dark magical operations are fallen angels, otherwise called demons, which are located in the various regions of the world (Ephesians 6:12). But Christians are royal ambassadors of the Creator of all things, including demons. Everywhere on earth is our constituency, and we can also operate from a superior covenant context (Matthew 11:7-12).
See, in the beginning, God created two separate but forceful interacting worlds: the spiritual world and the physical world. Both worlds have beings, things, processes, etcetera. However, when Christ completed His work for the redemption of mankind, a new creation, referred to as the “spiritual body”, emerged (1Corinthians 15:44).
The spiritual body is not a ghost-like entity, nor a dismembered form or an apparition, but rather a physical body infused with the Spirit of God and saturated with His energies. It’s a body that’s fully alive with and completely sustained by the life-giving Spirit of God.
This is a mysterious space opened up by the operation of the Holy Spirit in our world today, and it enables the new creatures in Christ to become fully vivified and empowered to the extent that their former existence seems in comparison to have been like a shadow (2Corinthians 5:17).
God designed spiritual beings to operate, both directly and indirectly, in the natural world as an invisible power. In fact, though the natural world exists and behaves based on observable natural laws, yet it’s powered by the indirect unobservable spiritual powers (Hebrews 1:3).
When spiritual powers operate in the natural world, they interrupt natural principles and laws, and cause visible manifestations beyond natural laws. Such observable natural phenomena are called miracles, or God’s gracious interventions on earth (Matthew 15:30-31; Acts 3:10).
It’s particularly important, therefore, that we familiarize ourselves with the agents who God typically deploys for these interventions, and to be conversant with their operational details, especially their modes of engagement and deployment.
Meanwhile, though all the gifts flow from the one God, Lord, and Spirit, the "manifestation" by which the Holy Spirit acts varies in each individual, with a view to profiting the whole Church.
Miracles are marks of a divine presence in our lives and situation, and they generate positive alarms — amazement, awe, astonishment, surprise, admiration or bewilderment — in the supernatural realms, urging people to look beyond the ordinary for interpretations of the marvelous events(1Samuel 3:11).
There is no other divine agenda for rescuing the world except through the gospel of Jesus Christ, and miracles are the means through which God operates in all ages to attract men to His love, and to confirm His eternal truth (Psalm 2:8-9).
Repositioning Ourselves for Glorious Manifestations
Our God is the supernatural God of swift wonders (Job 9:10; Psalms 77:14). He always wishes to do wonders in the lives of His people (Isaiah 29:14; Exodus 3:20). And when He does, the recipient becomes a wonder (Psalms 71:7).
He has to be involved if any man’s doors must open to diverse manifestations of the Holy Ghost (Isaiah 45:1-3). Nevertheless, we must readily cooperate with Him to release the wonders.
A foremost step you must take in this regard is to repent, be born again and become a child of God, by hooking unto Jesus Christ (Acts 2:22).
When we look to the world, we are perplexed; but when we look to Christ, we find total salvation (Psalms 34:5-8). “O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him”!
Moreover, we must live separate from evil to make room for the Holy Spirit in our lives (Joshua 3:5). One of the common signs of a sanctified life is that you live in awe and holy fear of God Almighty (Acts 2:43).
Furthermore, we must seek to be constantly refilled by the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:8). Man is empowered to enjoy the glory of God only by the Spirit of God, when he has turned to the Lord (2Corinthians 3:7-18). Once there is that holy glow in the soul, there will be beauty in the person.
Stars are born as gifts to every clan; but, only those that stand out to shine are recognized as such.
Brethren, as God’s children, we have received access to the redemptive rights that can crown us as champions, any day (1Corinthians 2:4). Spring forth in faith, and you will enjoy the glory you’ll see. You won’t miss it, in Jesus name. Amen. Happy Sunday!
Archbishop Taiwo Akinola,
Rhema Christian Church,
Otta, Ogun State, Nigeria.
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SMS/WhatsApp: +234 802 318 4987