Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding ~ Proverbs 4:7.
We live today in an era of wisdom! Knowledge is rapidly expanding at an unprecedented rate; information is now abundant and readily accessible in all areas of human endeavor, especially with the breathtaking advancements in artificial intelligence.
However, whereas we’re making astronomical progress in expanding the bodies of knowledge, true wisdom is being relegated to the background and remains indiscernible, unrecognized and unacknowledged by many people in many quarters of the world. Too often, our decisions are driven by ignorance, queer idiosyncrasies, short-sightedness, carnality, emotionalism and self-centeredness.
It’s certainly foolish to value, desire or seek any material thing above divine wisdom (Proverbs 16:16). No wonder, we’re strongly urged to embrace God’s wisdom, which can provoke in us the spirit of prudence, understanding and sound judgement (Proverbs 4:5-7).
Undoubtedly, God’s wisdom is supreme, and getting divine wisdom is the wisest thing we can do! It beams true light into our minds, which we call insight. It is by this that any man or woman may identify what to do that God will bless (John 8:29).
Wisdom and understanding of natural and supernatural things tend to high profitability because they enrich the mind with knowledge. A wise man is profitable to himself, his family, his assignment and the world at large. He makes the world beautiful and better to justify the wisdom of God.
Indeed, wisdom is the ruler on earth today, and a wise man is a plus to his world. Divine wisdom is priceless and invaluable, and her rewards are also incalculable.
Our God is great, supremely wise and infinite in all His perfections. He’s the original fountain of knowledge; hence, it’s our privilege and greatest honor to embrace His wisdom. Happy is the man that finds it(Proverbs 3:13-15).
The Excellency, Superiority and the Supremacy of Wisdom
There are only a few things in this world that cannot be valued in pure gold or precious stones. However, the price of wisdom, especially divine wisdom, is far above them all (Job 28:15-16). But why? How is wisdom more precious than gold?
Essentially, Jesus Christ is the Wisdom of God (1Corinthians 1:24, 30). Thus, having Jesus Christ — the Wisdom of God — is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 4:7; ESV). He that has Him is spiritually wise, and has the merchandise of grace, which is by far better than silver and more gainful than fine gold (1Timothy 4:8).
No wonder then that true wisdom is referred to as a “tree of life” (Proverbs 3:18-22; 4:13). While gold, silver or any precious gem cannot give life to those who find or hold them, divine wisdom gives life to all those who embrace it. Herein is the excellency of wisdom: it defends and gives life to them that receive it (Ecclesiastes 7:12)
Wisdom also preserves and gives peace to all those who find, esteem, love and retain her. Gold cannot prolong life or give peace, but the wisdom of God does (Proverbs 3:16-24). Therefore, when you walk in the way of wisdom, your steps are divinely guided in the of peace (Proverbs 4:5-6, 12).
Again, the wisdom from above procuresand secures grace and glory for all those who love and keep her. When you exaltdivine wisdom, she will bring you promotion, and when you embrace her, she will bring you honors and enduring riches. With God’s wisdom, you cannot be a failure in life (Proverbs 4:7-9).
Furthermore, wisdom is superior to any other thing because it carries the capacity to increase the cutting edge of our strength (Ecclesiastes 10:10). Wisdom has the advantage of augmenting the effort of the workman, placing rightly the means relevant to an end.
If the iron is blunt and it’s not sharpened, the laborer must use more force, and yet it may be to no purpose as it may not produce the desired effect. Such is it with those who push things with all their might and power without wisdom, sound judgment and discretion.
Wisdom is profitable to direct. It puts a man in the right way of doing things. It directs him to take the best methods, and pursue the best ways of doing things, both for his own good and the good of others.
Without wisdom, we cannot go profitably through the meanest concerns in life; but as wisdom instructs, a man may find his direction both in the smallest matters and in the weighty affairs. Hence, wisdom is better than strength (Ecclesiastes 9:16).
The Self-Revealing Gains of Wisdom
The gains of practical wisdom are multifarious and multidirectional, touching on all things that pertain to life and godliness. For example, a wise person learns that one who loses his faith usually loses all.
Life’s journeys don’t always follow straight lanes. Setbacks, disappointments and unexpected twists are occasionally inevitable. Nevertheless, the right choice is to keep moving forward, even when staying stuck feels easier.
Again, a wise person, for sure, learns that it does not pay to be too sensitive to certain things and certain offenses: after all, not all things that are highly valued are truly valuable, eternity-wise!
No one ever got to the pinnacle of success alone, it’s through cooperative efforts that one moves on to better platforms in life. We are all humans; it doesn’t do any harm to smile, to forgive, and to say hello, even if the rain is drenching.
Moreover, a wise young person learns to respect the old, deferring to the grace he located, his life’s experiences and the price he paid to reach that age. A wise old person also sympathizes with the young, remembering how challenging and bewildering it was at that age.
Please always remember that the surest access to strength is to abide in the presence of the Lord (Psalms 84:7; Jeremiah 8:22). The easiest access to honor is to serve God acceptably (John 12:26); nevertheless, the quickest way to lose it is to be fraternizing with things that Jesus died to redeem us from: sins.
Beloved brethren and friends, it’s an act of courage to let go of what can’t align with your values in Christ, your dreams, or your well-being, and to take the necessary steps to invigorate your new life in Christ.
In the end, wisdom is not just about knowing — it is about living truly, rightly, humbly, profitably and especially, in alignment with God’s kingdom values within us. You won’t miss this, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Happy Sunday!
Archbishop Taiwo Akinola,
Rhema Christian Church,
Otta, Ogun State, Nigeria.
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