When you step into the shower, what's the first body part that gets your attention?
Well, lifestyle expert Anu Mukherjee revealed that the body part you wash first says a lot about your personality.
According to Mukherjee, people who wash their faces first in the shower love money.
These people can often struggle to get along with others, as their point of view on the subject is hard to understand.
Next, it's believed that those who scrub their shoulders right away tend to "carry the world on their shoulders."
Describing their devotion, she said that these people don't stop what they're doing until they're completely drained.
Shoulder-washers are believed to be both loyal and reliable.
Do you wash your armpits once you step in the shower?
The lifestyle expert said doing this means you are a very reliable and attentive person.
She claimed, however, that you may come off as a bit naive and can lack confidence.
Honest and loyal people tend to wash their chest first in the shower, Mukherjee claimed.
Unfortunately, she said these people are usually pretty stressed out as all they want is to do well.
If you wash your hair before any other part of your body, Mukherjee said that you're most likely a hopeless romantic.
"You are often immersed in your thoughts," she said, and that "you have the temperament of an intellectual and an artist."
If you have no specific order to your body washing routine, the expert said that you are probably very adventurous.
She said that you never like to be bored, especially when it comes to relationships.
"You undoubtedly have a very humble personality," she said, referring to the random washers.
People spend a lot of time in their showers, so make sure that it's a clean place to be.
The US Sun