Getting £1 for doing the dishes appears to be a thing of the past with many parents now rewarding their kids with data for their phones.
Pocket money seems to be losing its appeal with kids now asking for a smartphone data boost rather than cash in their hands. That's according to new research from UK mobile network EE who says one in four parents regularly share data with their children as a reward for doing chores around the home.
The research of 2,000 UK adults also shows that a quarter of parents say they are keen to try using data as an incentive for household jobs or good behaviour.
Just like old-fashioned cash, there are even different amounts of data dished out depending on tasks that have been performed. Washing the car usually offers the most data with parents gifting around 173MB per clean. Tidying a bedroom will give kids 147MB, doing the dishes 148MB and walking the dog 149MB.
With the rising cost of living heaping pressure on parents' finances, many are seeking creative ways to save money and swapping cash rewards for data is becoming a popular way to reduce monthly outgoings.
When away from fixed line broadband it's easy to see how teenagers much through their allowance with 30 minutes of YouTube using around 130MB and an hour on TikTok eating up 700MB. This makes incentives to boost things back up again a good idea for parents.
Speaking about the latest research, Sharon Meadows, Director of Broadband and Mobile at EE, said: "Parents know how much children love their data - and how they hate to run out. Our research confirms that pocket money is no longer king, with more than a quarter of parents already sharing data as a reward for chores.
"Data Gifting, where families are able to spread data around for free, is just one of the ways EE is supporting savvy parents and helping families stay connected for longer. EE's family SIM discount, Stay Connected and free smartphone MoTs also help make customers' money go further."
Washing the car • 173MB
Sweeping leaves • 158MB
Hanging the laundry out to dry • 150MB
Walking the dog • 149MB
Washing the dishes by hand • 148MB
Tidying your bedroom • 147MB
Doing homework • 141MB
Loading the dishwasher • 140MB
Tidying the food cupboard • 138MB
Laying the table • 136MB
Turning all lights off when leaving a room • 136MB
Laying the table • 136MB