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Blinken says a Hamas-Israel deal is still possible even though the sides remain far apart

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday that a cease-fire and hostage-release agreement between Israel and Hamas was still possible, despite the two sides being far apart on the central terms for a deal.

Blinken was in the region trying to broker an arrangement that could bring some respite in Israel’s war against Hamas, which is entering its fifth month after killing more than 27,000 Palestinians, displacing much of the territory’s population and sparking a humanitarian catastrophe.

Those diplomatic efforts were rattled earlier in the day when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected a detailed, three-phase plan by Hamas that would unfold over 4 1/2 months. The plan stipulated that all hostages would be released in exchange for hundreds of Palestinians imprisoned by Israel, including senior militants, and an end to the war.

Netanyahu, who called Hamas’ plan “delusional,” dismissed any proposal that leaves the militant group in full or partial control of Gaza. Netanyahu said military pressure was the best way to free the roughly 100 hostages held in the Gaza Strip, where they were taken after Hamas’ cross-border rampage into southern Israel on Oct. 7, which sparked the war.

Israel has made destroying Hamas’ governing and military abilities one of its wartime objectives, and Hamas’ proposal would effectively leave it in power in Gaza and allow it to rebuild its military capabilities.

But Blinken downplayed the posturing, saying it was part of the arduous negotiating process. “It’s not flipping a light switch. It’s not yes or no,” he said.

“While there are some clear non-starters in Hamas’ response, we do think it creates space for agreement to be reached, and we will work at that relentlessly until we get there,” he said.

Blinken is trying to advance the cease-fire talks while pushing for a larger postwar settlement in which Saudi Arabia would normalize relations with Israel in return for a “clear, credible, time-bound path to the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

But the increasingly unpopular Netanyahu is opposed to Palestinian statehood, and his hawkish governing coalition could collapse if he is seen as making too many concessions.


Hamas’ statements came in response to a proposal drawn up by the United States, Israel, Qatar and Egypt. The militants’ reply was published in Lebanon’s Al-Akhbar newspaper, which is close to the powerful Hezbollah militant group.

A Hamas official and two Egyptian officials confirmed its authenticity. A fourth official familiar with the talks later clarified the sequencing of the releases. All spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief media on the negotiations.

In the first 45-day phase, Hamas would release all remaining women and children, as well as older and sick men, in exchange for an unspecified number of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. Israel would also withdraw from populated areas, cease aerial operations, allow far more aid to enter and permit Palestinians to return to their homes, including in devastated northern Gaza.

The second phase, to be negotiated during the first, would include the release of all remaining hostages, mostly soldiers, in exchange for all Palestinian detainees over the age of 50, including senior militants.

Israel would release an additional 1,500 prisoners, 500 of whom would be specified by Hamas, and complete its withdrawal from Gaza.

In the third phase, the sides would exchange the remains of hostages and prisoners.


At the news conference earlier, Netanyahu rejected Hamas’ demands, saying they would lead to a disaster for Israel.

“Surrendering to Hamas’ delusional demands that we heard now not only won’t lead to freeing the captives, it will just invite another massacre,” Netanyahu said in a nationally televised evening news conference.

Netanyahu said the Israeli military had achieved many of the goals it set out and that victory was “a matter of months” away.

He said forces had dismantled 18 of Hamas’ 24 battalions, destroyed tunnels and killed militants, and that military pressure on Hamas was the best way to bring about the release of the hostages. He said preparations were underway for the military to move into the southern Gaza border town of Rafah, where hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians have crammed to flee the fighting.

“We are on the way to an absolute victory,” Netanyahu said. “There is no other solution.”

That stands in contrast to some Israeli officials, who say Israel’s two goals of destroying Hamas’s capabilities and freeing the hostages are incompatible and that only a deal can lead to their release.

Meanwhile, Hamas has continued to put up stiff resistance across the territory, and its police force has returned to the streets in places where Israeli troops have pulled back.

Netanyahu ruled out any arrangement that leaves Hamas in control of any part of Gaza. He also said that Israel is the “only power” capable of guaranteeing security in the long term.

At a news conference held immediately after his appearance, hostages freed in a late November deal said they were worried Netanyahu was taking too hard a line and that the remaining hostages and their families would pay the price.

“If you continue in this approach of seeking the collapse of Hamas, there won’t be any hostages to free,” said a tearful Adina Moshe, who was freed nearly 50 days into her captivity. Hamas is still holding over 130 hostages, but around 30 of them are believed to be dead, with the vast majority killed on Oct. 7.


There is little talk of grand diplomatic bargains in Gaza, where Palestinians yearn for an end to fighting that has upended every aspect of their lives.

“We pray to God that it stops,” said Ghazi Abu Issa, who fled his home and sought shelter in the central town of Deir al-Balah. “There is no water, electricity, food or bathrooms.”

Those living in tents have been drenched by winter rains and flooding. “We have been humiliated,” he said.

New mothers struggle to get baby formula and diapers, which can only be bought at vastly inflated prices if they can be found at all. Some have resorted to feeding solid food to babies younger than 6 months old despite the health risks it poses.

While Blinken said Israel’s response to the Oct. 7 attack was “fully justified,” and he ruled out any role for Hamas in postwar Gaza, he also criticized some of Israel’s responses.

Blinken said the daily toll of Israel’s military operations on innocent civilians “remains too high.”

“Israelis were dehumanized in the most horrific way on October 7. And the hostages have been dehumanized every day since. But that cannot be a license to dehumanize others,” he added.

The Palestinian death toll from four months of war has reached 27,707, according to the Health Ministry in the Hamas-run territory. That includes 123 bodies brought to hospitals in just the last 24 hours, it said Wednesday. At least 11,000 wounded people need to be urgently evacuated from Gaza, it said.

The ministry does not distinguish between civilians and combatants in its figures but says most of the dead have been women and children.

The violence in Gaza has drawn the attention of the United Nations’ top court, which last month ordered Israel to do all it can to prevent death, destruction and any acts of genocide in Gaza. But the panel stopped short of ordering an end to the offensive.




Russian forces foil two rotations of Ukrainian troops in southern Donetsk area

Units of Russia’s Battlegroup East broke up two rotations of Ukrainian troops in the southern Donetsk area during the past day, the battlegroup’s spokesman Alexander Gordeyev told TASS.

"Units of the Battlegroup East continue to fulfil combat tasks of the special military operation in the southern Donetsk area. Artillery systems and heavy flamethrowers hit strongholds and areas of the deployment of manpower of the 23rd brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard, the 72nd mechanized brigade and the 128th territorial defense brigade of the Ukrainian army near the settlements of Urozhaynoye, Ugledar, Dobrovolye, Voduyanoye, and Staromayorskoye. During the day two attempted rotations of enemy troops on the frontline positions were foiled," he said.

Artyomovsk area

Russian forces have neutralized more than ten Ukrainian troops in the Artyomovsk area and hit a Javelin anti-tank system with the use of a drone, the Russian defense ministry said.

"During a raid to the line of combat engagement in the Artyomovsk area, reconnaissance operatives of the Battlegroup South spotted in a forest a masked position of a Javelin anti-tank system ready for firing. Several hours later, a group of Ukrainian troops headed toward the Javelin system covered by a camouflage netting. When they were approaching the position, reconnaissance operatives opened fire at the enemy. As a result, more than ten nationalists were neutralized by fire from the Fagot system and snipers," it said, adding that later a drone dropped explosives and destroyed the Javelin system.

Krasny Liman area

Mortar men of Russia’s Central Military District have foiled a rotation of Ukrainian troops in the Krasny Liman area in the course of the special military operation, the Russian defense ministry told TASS.

"The crew of a 2B9M Vasilek tugged automatic mortar neutralized a group of Ukrainian troops spotted by reconnaissance operatives in the Kiev-controlled Serebryansky forestry. The mortar crew hit the manpower of Ukrainian nationalists who were rotating at a stronghold. The success of this operation became possible thanks to close cooperation with reconnaissance operatives and reconnaissance drone operators," it said.

According to the ministry, the artillery of the Battlegroup Center note the high efficiency of the Vesilek mortar, which can both deliver pinpoint strikes and hit large area targets.



Germany not big enough to fill gap if US stops Ukraine weapons supply

Germany is not big enough to make up the difference should the United States fail to deliver weapons to Ukraine, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Wednesday ahead of a trip to Washington.

"That is, I believe, the real danger we currently face," he said.



When Satya Nadella was appointed as Microsoft CEO in 2014, he wasn't one to boast about IQ points or intellectual achievements. He understood that being a leader wasn't just about knowing all the answers; it was about understanding people and building meaningful connections.

To be effective and separate oneself from the pack, Nadella pared it down to two words: emotional intelligence. 

'EQ trumps IQ'

In a highly publicized event nearly a decade ago, Nadella addressed thousands of students on the subject of their future and possibilities. During his talk, he spoke about the importance of developing emotional intelligence (EQ):

In the long run, EQ trumps IQ. Without being a source of energy for others very little can be accomplished.

Studies show companies that prioritize emotional intelligence in their workers experience higher productivity and employee engagement than those that neglect it.

Where technological advancements often take the spotlight, the significance of emotional intelligence can sometimes be overlooked. However, leaders like Satya Nadella have shown that emotional intelligence is not just a nice-to-have trait but a crucial element for achieving lasting success in the corporate landscape.

There are several ways that leaders and high achievers can utilize emotional intelligence as a strength to improve their own performance and the workplace. 

1. Give people a voice

Two decades ago, I reported to an executive with EQ and learned a valuable lesson I've carried with me to this day. I was leading a team through a challenging project. The pressure was on and tensions were high.

We had a quiet team member struggling to find his voice amidst the chaos. Instead of bulldozing ahead with his own ideas, the executive (our boss) took a step back, approached the team member and asked, "What do you think?"

The effect was astounding. The team member's face lit up and he began to share his insights. It turned out he had a brilliant solution that hadn't been considered before. The project went on to be a resounding success and we all learned a crucial lesson: Leadership was about empowering others and valuing their perspectives.

2. Lead with authenticity

Emotional intelligence isn't about being overly sentimental or soft-hearted. It's about understanding the emotions, motivations and aspirations of the people you work with. It's about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

The key is to actively listen, empathize and lead with authenticity. It's recognizing and managing one's own emotions because a higher performer or leader who can't or won't navigate their own feelings often struggles to guide a team effectively.

3. Acknowledge you don't know everything

It's rather uncomfortable admitting you don't know something when people expect you to have answers. Garry Ridge, Chairman Emeritus of WD-40 Company, had a counterintuitive perspective when he was CEO.

Ridge said "I don't know" are the three most powerful words he's ever learned in his life. When he got comfortable with not knowing, he began to learn and grow.

"As soon as you make out you know everything, you shut down all the opportunity to learn more and get different points of view," said Ridge. "So not only do I get comfortable with 'I don't know,' but even more today, I keep asking myself, 'Why do I believe that?' Because the world's changing so quickly."

As you investigate your own leadership style, keep this in mind: True leadership isn't about having all the answers but about creating a space for collective brilliance to flourish.

As for Satya Nadella, he continues to lead Microsoft through emotional intelligence, proving that it isn't just a buzzword but a powerful force that can shape the future of leadership in the tech world and beyond.



Like every other sector, the building and construction industry may be witnessing one of its worst moments, as exchange rate, building materials, and labour prices have triggered an increase in construction costs by 200 per cent in the last two years.

Nigeria’s inflation rate as of December 2023 climbed to 28.9 per cent. The recent upsurge in inflation is primarily linked to the effects of petrol subsidy removal and the devaluation of the official exchange rate, both exerting substantial impacts on consumer prices.

The exchange rate crisis has worsened the woes of the building sector. The direct effect of exchange rate is being felt more on imported materials like windows, doors, ceramics, tiles, plumbing appliances and sanitary wares, which represent 23 per cent of materials in the building market. The prices of the local materials, which account for 37 per cent of materials in the market, have also been affected by increase in the cost of production and transportation to the end-users.

The depreciation in the value of the naira directly affects the prices of building materials in the construction industry. Material components of a building account for about 60 per cent of the building cost. With the present economic situation, the downward trend of the value of the naira, cost of materials continues to escalate at a higher rate.

Prices of essential building materials such as cement, blocks, doors, reinforcement rods, sand, timber, paints, roofing sheets, glass and tiles have risen by over 75 per cent in the last 12 months and this has become a source of concern to the built environment professionals because of the direct impact on supply, affordability and accessibility to housing, especially for low and middle-income earners. According to architects, materials and labour prices have risen between 100- 200 per cent in the last two years.

For instance, The Guardian Building Materials survey last week shows that a 50-kilogramme bag of cement that was sold for N4,700 in January last year now sells between N6,200 and N6,500. The cost of raw materials such as limestone, clay, and gypsum, is attributed to price increase from haulage and fluctuations in exchange rate, according to producers.

For cement-based blocks, a nine-inch block previously sold at N450 is now N550, while the six-inch block is now N500 from N370. There has also been an increase in the price per tonne of iron rods. The 8mm previously at N255,000 per tonne is now N518,000, 10mm that used to cost N442, 000 goes for N520, 000, while 12mm and 16mm rods that sold for N446 is now N515, 000, while 20mm and 25mm earlier sold for N442, 000 now command N530, 000 price, depending on location.

Accordingly, labour prices have gone up, with artisans that earlier charged between N3, 000 to 4,000 per day last year, charging between N6, 000 and N8, 000, depending on the location. A key factor to these charges is the cost of fare to the site. Some of the built environment professionals have also raised their scale of fees indirectly to reflect the inflationary trend.

Generally, price of paints in 20 litres containers also increased from N8,000 with price hovering between N10,900 and N35,000 depending on the brand, location, while retailers and distributors sell between N12, 500 and N45, 000. Price of sanitary fittings and other items have also hit the rooftop.
The development has made it difficult for property developers and contractors to deliver affordable housing for over 75 per cent of Nigerians, who lack access to desired accommodation. There has also been a spiral effect in prices of houses, especially newly constructed buildings, as well as delayed delivery of projects.

Rental prices are also increasing in low-income settlements with a room self-contained of N150,000, being rented for N250,000; a two-bedroom flat has increased from N400,000 to N600,000, while a three-bedroom apartment rose from N500,000 to N800,000 and could be higher depending on location. For the same type of units in highbrow areas, a two-bedroom is as high as N1.2 million, while three bedrooms go for N1.8 million and above.

Experts say cost of construction will continue to rise, except the Federal Government intervenes in the sector through deliberate policies to lower costs of construction. 

President, Commonwealth Association of Surveyors and Land Economy (CASLE), Segun Ajanlekoko, said without economic re-engineering, the cost of construction will continue to rise, as the country is import-dependent for major components of construction materials.

Ajanlekoko, a past president, Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS), who said the rise in construction cost is between 35 per cent, traced it to the sharp decline in the value of the naira in the foreign exchange market and internal operating cost arising from increases in consumables like diesel for generators, transportation costs for labourers and other logistics.

While noting that infrastructure projects affected heavy engineering projects such as roads and bridges, he called for greater and effective cost management. According to him, the government must allow a special discretionary exchange rate for imported materials, grant tax relief for construction companies and encourage use of local materials.

The CASLE president further advocated establishment of a financial intermediation that will reduce the overall cost expenditures and reduce interest to a single digit, as well as invigorate economic activities and help upscale Gross domestic Product (GDP) growth and reduce unemployment.

President, Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NITP), Nathaniel Atebije, traced the problem to high inflation rate.

“The naira has nose-dived beyond any record in history. And most of the building materials are imported, which are usually imported with foreign currency. Secondly, the cost of transporting  materials has skyrocketed because of the increase in the pump price of petroleum products under the claim of removal of petroleum subsidy. The prices of these products go up almost every week. These and other factors such as the cost of labour have generated high multiplier effects on the cost of construction,” he said.

Atebije estimates the percentage increase in the past one year to be in the region of 400 per cent. He cited an instance, “We are working on a building whose burglary proofing materials were estimated at N3 million by May 2023 but by December 2023, a revised quote took it above N11 million. It was unbelievable though real. I am sure the price must have gone higher by now.”

He urged the government to drastically reduce bureaucratic bottlenecks between project conception and construction, strengthen relevant institutions to research and encourage the use of locally produced building materials, as well as minimise engagement of foreign professionals and contractors in the construction industry and massively engage indigenous professionals and contractors of proven competence and integrity.

NITP president also wants tariffs on highly essential building materials reduced to allow for the importation of high-tech building materials, as well as access to land and tax waivers to encourage manufacturers of building materials to set up industries and produce in Nigeria.

Atebije, who noticed the rise in all aspects of construction, expressed concern on the increase in housing, which is the most basic need of man. “It is most noticeable in housing because the deficit continues to stare at us and the nation looks helpless in attending to the increasing homelessness, the need to replace the ageing residential properties, failure of which is responsible for the collapse of buildings, killing many Nigerians.

“The cost of building materials is the reason for the growing shanties and illegal developments in the form of slums and its attendant problems. Urgent attention needs to be given to the need to reduce cost of building materials to promote sane development and management of our human settlements,” he added.

Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) President, Omobolaji Adeniyi, said the devaluation of currency has led to increase in production cost for most construction materials and high cost of transportation due to removal of fuel subsidy of the products (AGO and PMS prices). She also blamed it on the high interest rates, limited access to affordable funds, shortage of skilled manpower and heavy reliance on imported construction materials.

Adeniyi said the effect of the cost increase is noticed across all construction projects because the same materials are used, adding that it is very noticeable in housing, with developers raising house prices by 40 to 50 per cent in the last year due to high materials cost and related expenses.

“The average cost of building materials rose by 35.75 per cent in the first half of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021. It has been consistently rising since then and we can put a range of 100 – 200 per cent increase across board in the last two years. This varies from one material to the other, and from one place to the other, affected by local forces like nearness to the sources of the materials,” she said.

She urged the government to pursue deliberate policies to lower the costs of construction and focus on stabilising the naira by creating a more accommodating regulatory environment for investors. Other measures she recommended include lowering of duties for imported components, support for local production of some of these materials, funding of research and development in alternative materials and methodologies, and the formulation of more effective regulations.

Adeniyi stated that housing and infrastructure are the most important indices in the measurement of development and biggest drivers of employment in almost all economies. “The stimulation of the construction sector has a big impact in any economy. Making construction more affordable would be an important game-changer for our economy. The rising costs of building materials also impact on disposable incomes and purchasing power among Nigerians, exacerbating employment challenges and potentially slowing down crucial construction activities for economic growth,” he added.


The Guardian

Wednesday, 07 February 2024 04:48

No food shortage in Nigeria, FG insists

Chief of Staff to the President, Femi Gbajabiamila, met behind closed doors with the National Security Adviser, NSA, Nuhu Ribadu, and some ministers at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, yesterday, over food security and protests in some states.

The meeting, which began at about 05:30 pm, also had in attendance governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Yemi Cardoso; Ministers of Education, Tahir Mamman; Finance, Wale Edun; Budget and National Planning, Atiku Bagudu; Agriculture, Abubakar Kyari; and State for Agriculture, Sabi Abdullahi.

Briefing State House correspondents after the meeting that lasted for about three hours, Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, expressed President Bola Tinubu’s worry over the development.

He said that the President has directed that the situation should be arrested by the Presidential Committee in order to reduce hardship on the populace.

The Minister, who said that there is enough food in the country, added that some elements are trying to take advantage of the high food prices and the depreciation of naira to cause havoc.

He said, “We just rounded off a meeting. It is a special presidential committee to address the issue of food shortage or lack of enough food on the table of most Nigerians.

“This is just the beginning of that meeting. It is going to continue tomorrow and day after tomorrow. The government is very concerned about what Nigerians are going through, especially what has happened in Minna yesterday, and therefore government is taking some action to ensure that Nigerians have some relief in terms of the availability of food on the table.

“Of course, this meeting is not by itself exhaustive. It’s just like I said, the beginning. It is going to continue tomorrow and the day after.

“Now, some of these will involve unlocking the foods that are available in most of the storage facilities (National Food Reserve) around the country. You know that the Federal Minister of Agriculture has some food reserves. That is going to be made available to Nigerians.”

The meeting was held on the heels of the protests by women in Minna, Niger State, and that of angry youths in Kano over the rising cost of living in the country.

A group of women in Minna, Niger State, had on Monday, blocked the ever-busy Minna-Bida Road at the popular Kpakungu Roundabout and called on the administration of President Bola Tinubu to address the problem of ‘hunger in the land.’

Youths in Kano also protested over the hardship in the country and the state governor, Abba Yusuf, assured them that he would take their complaints to the President.



All Progressives Congress (APC) says it is unfair to assess the administration of President Bola Tinubu based on the current economic realities.

Speaking in an interview on Channels Television, Felix Morka, APC spokesperson, said things are tough in many parts of the world. Cost of living.

On Monday, some residents of Minna, Niger state capital, blocked major roads in the city to protest the rising cost of living in the country.

There was also a protest in Kano state over the economic hardship being experienced by Nigerians.

Speaking on the development, Morka said the criticism of the Tinubu’s administration on the economic situation of the country is “unfair”, adding that the government is yet to spend one year in office.

“Our people are dealing with circumstances that are difficult and challenging. Nobody is in denial,” he said.

“Things are tough, they are tough in Nigeria and everywhere else. Farmers in Europe are barely going to farm, they are protesting vehemently, challenging the European government, who by all indices are doing better than we are but things are still tough.

“This government has a mandate of four years. Why are we sitting here talking as though we are in the eighth month of the eight years of this administration?

“This government is not one year in office yet, just a few months. It is unfair to this president.

“Look at the bold steps this administration has taken to tackle these fundamental problems.”


The Cable

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) says the All Progressives Congress (APC) is politicising the protest by Nigerians against the current economic hardship and worsening insecurity in the country.

On Monday, some residents of Minna, Niger state capital, blocked major roads in the city to protest the rising cost of living in the country.

There were also protests in Kano state and other parts of the country over the economic hardship being experienced by Nigerians.

While commenting on the protests, the APC claimed that opposition parties were instigating the protests to undermine the Bola Tinubu administration.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, Debo Ologunagba, PDP spokesperson, said APC cannot threaten Nigerians from exercising their democratic and constitutional right to protest against the “agonising poverty, hunger, killings and other harrowing experiences”.

The opposition party said APC’s remark on the protests by Nigerians is “insensitive and relishes the life-discounting situation in the country”.

The PDP said the poverty rate in the country is rising noting that many Nigerians go to bed hungry.

“This approach by the APC, instead of listening to the people, is not only offensive but akin to pushing Nigerians to the wall and daring them to do their worst,” the statement reads.

“It is an assault on the sensibility of the people that rather than providing answers to how the Tinubu-led APC government in a space of nine months, turned the nation’s economy upside down leading to terrifying food scarcity and catastrophic high cost of living, the APC is seeking to label and clamp down on the suffering masses.”

The PDP alleged that more than 104 million citizens have “sunk deeper” into poverty due to policies of the government.

“Nigerians can no longer afford their daily meals with families now going to bed on empty stomachs as poverty rate soars to over 46%,” the party said.

“Any government that has an idea of macro-economic policy management ought to have recognized that the suffocating policies of abrupt increase in the pump price of petroleum products, high cost of electricity and arbitrary floating of the naira as executed by the Tinubu administration without due considerations, would have excruciating consequences to the economy as being witnessed today.

“Today, Nigerians are resorting to suicide while thousands of our promising youths are leaving the country in droves.”

The PDP also criticised Tinubu over the rising kidnappings across the country, saying he has failed to “show seriousness” on issues of security or empathy to victims “either by words or action”.


The Cable

Labour Party (LP) has asked President Bola Tinubu to seek help in addressing the high cost of living in the country before the situation becomes unmanageable.

The LP said the federal government needs to take action to reduce the hardship being faced by Nigerians.

LP national publicity secretary, Obiora Ifoh, made this call in a statement on Monday.

Recall that protests broke out in Niger and Kano states this week, with residents blocking roads over food inflation and economic hardship.

Ifoh said, “It is deeply concerned about the increasing cost of living in Nigeria and how millions of Nigerians are battling with the crisis of food shortage since the turn of the year”.

“It is either that the government is bereft of ideas on how to check this unfolding catastrophe or that it chose to continue to act as if it is still campaigning for office. This is no time for politics.

“Our presidential candidate in the 2023 general elections, Peter Obi has said it time and again that until we get the leadership question right, we will continue to grapple in the dark.

“He has always said we need to move away from a consumption dependent economy to a productive one in order to shore up our foreign exchange reserves and ultimately strengthen the Naira for the economic boom we desire.

“Mr. President and his team should just admit they’ve run out of ideas, they should ask for help because it is now apparent that no amount of propaganda can change the fact that more and more Nigerians are falling below the poverty line.

“Local and foreign companies are folding up and government appears at a loss as to what next to do other than ask us all to pray.

“The Federal Government needs to take action to reduce the hardship being faced by the poor Nigerians, and seek help because things are becoming unbearable for average Nigerians.

“This must be done immediately to stem the rising tide of discontentment.”



Gaza mediators search for 'final formula' for Israel, Hamas ceasefire

U.S., Qatari and Egyptian mediators prepared a diplomatic push to bridge differences between Israel and Hamas on a ceasefire plan for Gaza after the Palestinian group responded to a proposal for an extended pause in fighting and hostage releases.

Hamas on Tuesday replied to a framework drawn up more than a week ago by U.S. and Israeli spy chiefs at a meeting in Paris with the Egyptians and Qataris.

Details of the response were not disclosed. In a statement Hamas said on Tuesday it responded "in a positive spirit, ensuring a comprehensive and complete ceasefire, ending the aggression against our people, ensuring relief, shelter, and reconstruction, lifting the siege on the Gaza Strip, and achieving a prisoner swap."

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, on a lightning tour of the Middle East, said he would discuss the Hamas response with Israeli officials when he visits the country on Wednesday.

In Doha, Blinken said, "There’s still a lot of work to do ... but we continue to believe that an agreement is possible, and indeed essential."

Qatar described the Hamas response as "positive" overall while Egyptian security sources told Reuters that Hamas showed flexibility.

"We will discuss all the details of the proposed framework with the concerned parties to reach an agreement on the final formula as soon as possible," Diaa Rashwan, head of Egypt's State Information Service, was quoted as saying.

Sources close to the talks have said the truce would last at least 40 days, during which the militants would free civilians among the remaining hostages they hold.

Further phases would follow, to hand over soldiers and dead bodies of hostages, in exchange for releases of Palestinians imprisoned in Israel. The truce would also increase the flow of food and other aid to Gaza's desperate civilians who are facing hunger and dire shortages of basic supplies.

U.S. President Joe Biden said the Hamas response showed "some movement" toward a deal. But it was unclear if either Hamas or Israel were willing to soften their stated hardline positions in order to reach a truce agreement.

A Hamas official who asked not to be identified reiterated to Reuters earlier on Tuesday that the Palestinian Islamist movement would not allow any hostage releases without guarantees that the war would end and Israeli forces leave Gaza.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted Israel will not end its Gaza campaign until Hamas is wiped out and has ruled out the creation of a Palestinian state.

Saudi Arabia has told the U.S. its position stands that there will be no diplomatic relations with Israel unless an independent Palestinian state is recognised on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem, and Israeli "aggression" in Gaza stops, the Saudi foreign ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

Saudi Arabia put U.S.-backed plans to normalise ties with Israel on ice, sources familiar with Riyadh's thinking told Reuters in Oct, 2023, as the war between Palestinian militant group Hamas and Israeli forces escalated.


There is a growing Israeli movement demanding more effort to bring the hostages home, even if that means a deal with Hamas.

Israel's military said on Tuesday that 31 of the remaining hostages in Gaza had been pronounced dead. Israel previously said 136 hostages were still in Gaza after 110 were freed under a seven-day November truce when Israel also released 240 Palestinians it was holding.

Citing an Israeli assessment shared with U.S. and Egyptian officials, the Wall Street Journal reported that as many as 50 hostages could be dead, leaving about 80 hostages alive.

Israel began its military offensive in Gaza after militants from Hamas-ruled Gaza killed 1,200 people and took 253 hostages in southern Israel on Oct. 7.

Gaza's Health Ministry says at least 27,585 Palestinians have been confirmed killed in Israel's military campaign, with thousands more feared buried under rubble.

On the ground in Gaza, Israeli forces on Tuesday kept up pressure on Khan Younis, the main southern city they have been trying to capture for weeks. At least 14 people were killed by air strikes, Palestinian residents and medics said.

Rafah, just south of it, was also hit by air strikes and tank shelling. Two people were killed in a strike on a house in Rafah while six policemen died after their car was hit, Gaza health officials said.

Israeli leaders vowed last week to push into Rafah next, alarming international aid agencies who say a million displaced civilians would be in harm's way, pinned against the border fence with Egypt.



Wednesday, 07 February 2024 04:41

What to know after Day 713 of Russia-Ukraine war


Ukraine's Zelenskiy orders creation of separate military force for drones

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Tuesday ordered the creation of a separate branch of Ukraine's armed forces devoted to drones, weapons he and military officials say are crucial to fighting the war against Russia.

Zelenskiy signed a decree calling on the government and general staff of the armed forces to "work out issues on the creation within the Ukrainian armed forces of a separate force for drone systems".

"I have just signed a decree which will launch the creation of a separate branch within our armed forces -- a drone systems force," Zelenskiy said in his nightly video address.

"This is not a question for the future. Rather, it must provide concrete results in the very near future. This year must be decisive in a great many aspects. And clearly on the battlefield. Drone systems have shown their effectiveness on land, in the skies and on the seas."

Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine's Minister for Digital Transformation, said the separate branch would provide "a powerful impetus" to the military's technological development.

In the past year, he said, drones had "fundamentally changed the situation on the battlefield. They are effective in stopping Russian attacks and back up counterattacks by Ukraine's armed forces."

According to Zelenskiy's decree, the results of the study would be submitted to the policy-making National Security and Defence Council.

Zelenskiy has pointed to drones, and production domestically and with partner nations, as a key element in conducting the war against Russia since Moscow's invasion two years ago this month.

In December, the president pledged that Ukraine would produce a million drones in 2024.

Government officials have said that Ukraine aims to produce tens of thousands of drones every month. No figures on current production are available, but since the start of the war, drone production has shot up, with dozens of companies developing and producing different models.

The commander in chief of Ukraine's armed forces, Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, whose position is in question in view of differences with the president, said in a comment for CNN last week that drones were critical for the conduct of the war.

"Crucially, it is these unmanned systems – such as drones – along with other types of advanced weapons, that provide the best way for Ukraine to avoid being drawn into a positional war, where we do not possess the advantage," Zaluzhnyi wrote.



Ukrainian forces lose up to 290 servicemen, equipment in Donetsk area

The Russian armed forces wiped out up to 290 Ukrainian servicemen, a tank and two infantry fighting vehicles in the Donetsk area over the past 24 hours, the Defense Ministry said.

Here are the details of this and other combat actions that happened over the past 24 hours, according to the Ministry report.

Donetsk Area

"The Ukrainian military lost up to 290 servicemen, a tank, two infantry fighting vehicles and three vehicles. In addition, a US-made M777 artillery system, a Msta-B howitzer, and a US-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar were hit," the Ministry said.

The Russian army continues to take more favorable positions in the Donetsk area, with seven Ukrainian attacks repelled over the past 24 hours, the Defense Ministry added.

"Near Donetsk, units of the southern group have taken more advantageous lines and positions, as well as repelled 7 enemy attacks and inflicted losses in manpower and materiel on the enemy in the areas of Kleshcheyevka, Andreyevka, Kurdyumovka, Novgorodskoye, Georgiyevka and Katerinovka of the Donetsk People's Republic," the report says.

A day earlier, the Ministry also reported that units of the southern group had occupied more favorable positions in the Donetsk area over 24 hours.

Southern Donetsk Area

Units of Russia’s Battlegroup East repulsed two attacks of Ukrainian assault teams in the south Donetsk area over the past 24 hours in the special military operation in Ukraine, the Defense Ministry announced.

"In the south Donetsk direction, units of the battlegroup East improved their frontline positions, repelled two attacks and inflicted damage on the manpower and military hardware of the Ukrainian army’s 58th motorized infantry brigade, 105th and 128th territorial defense brigades near the settlements of Staromayorskoye, Urozhainoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic [DPR] and Priyutnoye in the Zaporozhye Region," the Ministry stated.

"The Ukrainian army’s losses in the south Donetsk area over the past day amounted to roughly 195 personnel, a tank and two motor vehicles.," the Ministry specified.

In counter-battery fire, Russian forces destroyed an Akatsiya motorized artillery systems and a Gvozdika motorized artillery system.

Zaporozhye Area

The Ukrainian armed forces lost more than 95 servicemen, a D-20 gun and a Gvozdika howitzer in the Zaporozhye area over the past 24 hours, the Defense Ministry said.

"The enemy lost over 95 servicemen, two armored combat vehicles and two pickup trucks, as well as a a D-20 gun and a Gvozdika howitzer," the Ministry said, adding that Russian forces defeated the 128th Ukrainian mountain assault, 65th, 118th mechanized brigades near Rabotino, Nesteryanka and Pyatikhatki of the Zaporozhye Region.

Krasny Liman Area

Russian forces left roughly 240 Ukrainian troops killed and wounded in the Krasny Liman area over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, the Defense Ministry reported.

"In the Krasny Liman direction, the battlegroup Center improved its frontline position and repelled two attacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian army’s 60th mechanized brigade near the settlement of Yampolovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic [DPR]," the Ministry stated.

The Ministry also said that the Russian forces also destroyed a Ukrainian field artillery arms depot and inflicted damage on the enemy’s military hardware and personnel.

The enemy’s losses in the Krasny Liman direction over the past 24 hours "amounted up to 240 personnel, three armored combat vehicles, four motor vehicles and an Akatsiya motorized artillery system," the statement specified.

Kupyansk Area

The Russian army repelled six Ukrainian attacks near Kupyansk during one day, with the enemy's losses estimated at 35 men, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"In the Kupyansk area, units of the western group of forces repelled six attacks by assault groups of Ukraine’s 25th airborne, 30th and 44th mechanized brigades and 18th brigade of the National Guard in the areas of Sinkovka in the Kharkov Region, and Terny in the Donetsk People's Republic. The enemy lost up to 35 servicemen and 2 vehicles," the news release reads.

Kherson Area

The Ukrainian armed forces lost up to 30 servicemen and 2 automobile vehicles in the Kherson area, the Defense ministry reported.

"On the Kherson area, actions of the Russian battlegroup and complex fire damage over the past 24 hours resulted in Ukrainian armed forces’ casualties of 30 servicemen and 2 automobile vehicles," the Ministry noted.

Seversk area

A Grad multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) of the South battlegroup destroyed a group of Ukrainian infantry and disrupted a rotation at frontline positions in the Seversk direction, the Defense Ministry said.

"Air reconnaissance exposed accumulations of Ukrainian personnel preparing to rotate in the Seversk direction. The Grad MLRS advanced to the firing position and delivered a strike at the adversary," it said.

The MLRS then abandoned the position and drove to a safe area for reloading, it added.

Destroyed equipment tally

The Russian Air Defense Troops shot down two HIMARS rockets and 30 Ukrainian drones over the past day, the Defense Ministry reported.

"The Russian Air Defense Troops downed two HIMARS rockets. In addition, 30 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed near Masyutovka of the Kharkov Region, Baranikovka, Lisichansk, Nikolayevka of the Lugansk People's Republic, Otradovka of the Donetsk People's Republic, Novaya Kakhovka and Alyoshki of the Kherson Region," the statement said.

The Ministry also said that since the beginning of the special military operation, Russian forces destroyed 568 aircraft, 265 helicopters, 11,863 drones, 462 anti-aircraft missile systems, 14,927 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,217 multiple rocket launchers, 7,973 field artillery and mortars, as well as 18,283 units of special military vehicles.



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