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Wednesday, 04 December 2024 04:37

What to know after Day 1014 of Russia-Ukraine war


Putin points to mass human rights violations, persecution of Church in Ukraine

Mass violations of human rights and religious freedoms are taking place in Ukraine, where the Church is being persecuted and historical memory is being abused, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a welcome message to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia, the team of Emir Kusturica’s documentary "People of Christ. Our time," and the guests of the film’s Russian premiere.

"Created by our Serb friends, the documentary is a testimony of the tragic events taking place in Ukraine, which involve mass violations of human rights and religious freedoms, the desecration of historical memory, and the persecution of the Orthodox Church by the Kiev regime," the message reads.

The Russian president emphasized that an increasing number of people around the world were coming to understand the true causes of the conflict in Ukraine, unleashed by the Western elites, as well as the fact there is no excuse for crimes against civilians, ethnic and religious cleansings, terrorist attacks and punitive actions by neo-Nazis.

He pointed out that the documentary’s premiere in the Serbian capital of Belgrade had caused a wide public response because no one could be indifferent to reflections on what is going on honestly shared by people from various countries, including Serbia, Italy, Russia and Ukraine, with priests, poets, writers, teachers, TV hosts and young people among them. "It’s very important that the picture gives us hope and inspires confidence that we will be able to give an appropriate response to any challenge as long as we preserve solidarity and traditional spiritual and moral values bequeathed to us by our ancestors," the head of state added.

Serbian film director Emir Kusturica presented his documentary "The People of Christ. Our Time" in Belgrade in September. The film is dedicated to the fate of christianity in today’s world and the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by the Kiev authorities.



Ukrainians find new energy sources to beat blackouts as winter arrives

Standing on the rooftop of a 16-storey residential apartment building in Ukraine's capital Kyiv, Valerii Pyndyk pointed to several rows of solar panels.

Pyndyk hopes the installation - one of the first of its kind by residents in Kyiv - will help about 1,000 families living in the building get through what could prove Ukraine's most difficult winter since the start of Russia's invasion.

"The idea was born when we had electricity cut-offs in summer. We - the housing association board - realised that if we had blackouts in summer, then in winter they will not be shorter but longer," said Pyndyk, 49, who heads the association.

The two previous winters of the war were already challenging, but Russia has now intensified its attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, with at least 11 major missile and drone strikes since March.

About half of Ukraine's generating capacity was knocked out and distribution networks were also damaged.

In Kyiv, daily blackouts of eight hours are common and people plan their days around when power is scheduled to be available, including waiting in cafes for elevators to work if they live near the top of high-rise buildings.

Some residents and businesses have rushed to install new generating capacity in an attempt to access energy independently of the central energy system.

"Overall in Ukraine there is a steady trend towards energy independence, starting from small (consumer) clients and ending with business," said Serhiy Kovalenko, CEO of Yasno, a leading energy supplier.

Analysts said strategies included more electricity imports from Ukraine's Western neighbours, purchases of generators and alternative energy sources including solar panels, batteries and small gas turbine generators.

Yasno, which supplies electricity and gas to more than 3.5 million consumers and up to 100,000 businesses, provides options that include solar panels and accumulating batteries and inverters.

"Demand is very high," Kovalenko told Reuters. "This autumn we installed up to eight megawatts, next year we will install up to 30-35 megawatts."

Eight megawatts is enough to supply around a dozen enterprises in this case, the company said.


Russia has damaged or destroyed all of Ukraine's thermal and hydropower plants.

In monetary terms, total damage to Ukraine's energy sector exceeds $56 billion, including $16 billion in direct physical destruction and over $40 billion in indirect financial losses, according to estimates from the Kyiv School of Economics.

The country has to rely increasingly on nuclear generation, which makes it difficult to balance the amount of electricity on the grid, especially during peak morning and evening hours when retail consumption jumps.

Ukraine has tried to defend its energy system by building protective structures, setting up mobile drone-hunting groups and working with partners to bring in more air defence systems.

But it still lacks sufficient resources to protect facilities across the country.

After each Russian strike, the government, energy companies, engineers and Ukraine's partners scramble to recover and rebuild what they can. Winter weather can complicate matters.

"If we have a cold winter, consumption will be much more than last winter. Last winter, maximum consumption was 18 gigawatts (GW), so this year we think that if it is cold... it will be 19 gigawatts," said Olena Lapenko, general manager for energy security at a Kyiv-based think-tank, DIXI group.

Once the lights go off, the immediate fix for many is to turn on the generators.

"We need this electricity... to bake bread, to make croissants, cakes... We took a lot of steps to be ready – we bought powerful generators," said Stanislav Zavertailo, co-owner of Honey confectioneries and Zavertailo pastry shops in Kyiv.

As his team refuelled an industrial generator at their production site, Zavertailo said electricity was driving up costs.

"One kilowatt-hour is five to six times more expensive than the usual one."

Generators work better for small- and medium-sized enterprises and offer only a temporary solution, analysts said.

Looking for ways to help bigger businesses, the government agreed with Ukraine's central European neighbours to increase imports to 2.1 GW at any given time from Dec. 1. But imports are also expensive, said Lapenko.


Dozens of financial programmes supported by Kyiv's Western allies have been launched to shift Ukraine's energy mix to a cleaner and more sustainable model. Legislative changes were also introduced to simplify equipment purchases and imports.

Solar panels have started to appear on roofs of private houses, residential buildings, schools, hospitals and other public buildings.

Pyndyk said the cost of the installation on his building was about 950,000 hryvnias ($23,000) and that the government and Kyiv municipality had offset about two-thirds of that amount.

He and his residents plan to install more panels on other buildings next year.

Official data showed that about 1.5 GW of new solar generation has been installed. But given Ukraine's needs and the scale of wartime damage to energy infrastructure, such changes are only the beginning.

"This problem is not only a challenge for this winter. Coal generation is outdated and we need to change something," said Lapenko of DIXI group.

"This is the prospect for three, four or five years to replace what was destroyed and gradually replace that outdated generation."



Oxford University Press (OUP), the publisher of the Oxford English Dictionary, has announced Brain rot as its choice word of the Year, beating other words, such as the viral social media word “demure. However, the latter (Demure) is’s Word of the Year.

They say it follows a public vote in which more than 37,000 people had their say, while their language experts created a shortlist of six words reflecting the moods and conversations that have helped shape the past year.

‘‘After two weeks of public voting and widespread conversation, our experts came together to consider the public’s input, voting results, and our language data before declaring ‘brain rot’ as the definitive Word of the Year for 2024,’’ they noted on Tuesday.

Other contenders for the Oxford English Dictionary’s Word of the Year award included “dynamic pricing,” “lore,” “romantasy,” and “slop”.

Brain rot

Brain rot is defined as a supposed deterioration of a person’s mental or intellectual state, primarily viewed as the result of overconsumption of material (now particularly online content) considered to be trivial or unchallenging” as well as “something characterised as likely to lead to such deterioration.”

The term “brain rot” first appeared in Henry David Thoreau’s Walden (1854), where it described the mental toll of trivial pursuits. However, the expression has gained fresh relevance in the digital age, especially in 2024, as social media platforms like TikTok have popularised it among younger generations such as Gen Z and Gen Alpha, a testament to the ever-evolving nature of language in the digital era.

According to OUP, usage of the term surged by 230 per cent between 2023 and 2024, reflecting growing concerns about the effects of consuming excessive amounts of low-value online content. This surge can be attributed to the increasing influence of social media and the internet on our daily lives, particularly among younger generations.

Why Brain rot

During Monday’s announcement, President of Oxford Languages, Casper Grathwohl, explained the selection of Brain Rot as the 2024 word of the Year.

“Looking back at the Oxford Word of the Year over the past two decades, you can see society’s growing preoccupation with how our virtual lives are evolving, the way internet culture is permeating so much of who we are and what we talk about. Last year’s winning word, ‘rizz’, was an interesting example of how online communities increasingly form, shape, and share language.

“‘Brain rot’ speaks to one of the perceived dangers of virtual life and how we are using our free time. It feels like a rightful next chapter in the cultural conversation about humanity and technology. It’s not surprising that so many voters embraced the term, endorsing it as our choice this year.

Mr Grathwohl noted the term’s widespread adoption among younger generations, particularly on social media platforms like TikTok. “It demonstrates a somewhat cheeky self-awareness in these communities about the harmful impact of social media that they’ve inherited,” he added.

Other Publications that named its 2024 Word of the Year

Several notable publications, including Collins Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, Macquarie Dictionary, and The Economist, have also announced their 2024 Words of the Year.

Collins Dictionary selected brat, an adjective redefined to mean “characterised by a confident, independent, and hedonistic attitude.”

Cambridge Dictionary chose manifest, which refers to imagining achieving something you want, in the belief that doing so will make it more likely to happen,”

Macquarie Dictionary in Australia picked enshittification, a term describing “the gradual deterioration of a service or product, brought about by a reduction in the quality of service provided, especially of an online platform, and as a consequence of profit-seeking.”

The Economist, however, opted for kakistocracy, a word meaning “rule of the worst,”.



Interview with Timi Oke


Timi Oke is the co-founder and CEO of AgroEknor, a company exporting dried hibiscus flowers grown in Nigeria to global markets, including the US, Mexico and Europe. He secured his first agricultural trading deal through LinkedIn while still working at a bank in the UK.

How we made it in Africa editor-in-chief Jaco Maritz spoke to Oke about building the company and the opportunities within Nigeria’s agricultural industry.

Topics discussed during the interview include:

  • How he landed his first commodities trading deal through LinkedIn
  • The booming market for hibiscus flowers
  • Key lessons from working with smallholder farmers to source hibiscus
  • Breaking into the lucrative American market
  • Other crops with business potential in Nigeria
  • Why organic waste management and storage present major agribusiness opportunities
  • Practical advice for aspiring agricultural commodity traders
  • What he would do differently if he had the chance to start the company again

Interview summary

Nigerian-born Timi Oke has long been drawn to agriculture. While working at a bank in the UK, he actively used LinkedIn to explore opportunities in the industry. In 2012, his efforts led him to connect with an importer in Mexico interested in sourcing hibiscus from Nigeria.

Hibiscus, often touted as a superfood, is a flowering plant known for its vibrant, trumpet-shaped blooms. Its dried petals are used to make hibiscus tea, a ruby-red drink prized for its refreshing taste and potential health benefits, including its ability to lower blood pressure. Beyond beverages, hibiscus has applications as a natural food colouring and an ingredient in jams, syrups, and desserts. It is also valued in the pharmaceutical sector for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and in the personal care industry for products like facial scrubs, masks, and hair care treatments.

Nigeria plays an increasingly significant role in the global hibiscus supply chain due to a preference for the country’s healthier, non-GMO varieties.

As Oke was still employed at the bank, his brother – a co-founder of the business – travelled to Kano, northern Nigeria, to purchase the hibiscus from aggregators who sourced it from small-scale farmers in the region. A third partner, whom Oke knew from the UK and who is originally from northern Nigeria, also helped with introductions.

Once the first order was completed and payment was received, Oke left his banking job and moved back to Nigeria to focus on the business full-time. He returned to LinkedIn to find new clients and also began attending food industry conferences. The business expanded rapidly, with volumes growing from 60 tonnes in the first year to 120 tonnes in the second, and 540 tonnes in the third.

The company raised some early capital from Oke’s mother and his partner’s father. “We were lucky that they bet on three young boys in their middle twenties who wanted to build a business out of hibiscus,” he explains.

The funds were used to set up a warehouse and hire experienced supply chain staff. “We went and we hired about two people who were very experienced in the supply chain … It is one thing to be able to source the hibiscus. It’s a totally different ball game … to move it from the north to Lagos, where the ports are in Apapa, and then get it on a vessel and get all the right documentation that allows your client to clear the goods stress free.”

Building direct farmer relationships

When AgroEknor started trading, it sourced hibiscus through aggregators who gathered the crops from smallholder farmers. However, relying on aggregators left the company with little control over the prices it paid for the hibiscus.

Oke realised that AgroEknor needed to work directly with smallholder farmers to address this issue. Over time, the company experimented with different ways of collaborating with farmers. Today, AgroEknor works with over 7,000 smallholders. The company has set up collection centres near the farmers and supports them in various ways to help improve their yields.

Entering the lucrative US market

Oke advises commodity traders to begin by targeting markets with less stringent import regulations to gain experience and learn the trade. While newcomers often aim for the EU or US, he warns that issues like errors in shipment documentation or fumigation can result in the destruction of an entire cargo at certain ports, particularly in the US – losses a startup cannot afford.

AgroEknor eventually entered the US, which Oke describes as particularly lucrative, with revenues often double those in other countries. The company focuses on retail-packaged hibiscus flowers and cordials for the American market, with Texas a key region for sales.

Exploring opportunities beyond hibiscus

While hibiscus remains AgroEknor’s main focus, Oke also sees opportunities in other crops grown in Nigeria and across the continent. “We tend to look at commodities where there is no major player already … So our priority is niche markets where the market leadership is for the taking.”

One crop Oke is enthusiastic about is fonio, a drought-resistant, gluten-free grain with numerous nutritional benefits. Cultivated in West Africa for thousands of years, fonio remains under-commercialised.

The company became interested in fonio after considering other crops that hibiscus farmers could grow. “You don’t need fertilisers for fonio, you can literally just throw the seeds of fonio on the ground and it will grow … It can grow on any type of soil.”

Oke mentions a recent article by Bill Gateshighlighting fonio’s benefits and notes that brewer Carlsberg has launched a beer made solely from fonio grains, without barley or bittering hops. He also points growing demand for fonio in certain European countries.

However, AgroEknor is primarily looking at fonio for the Nigerian market. “We are more interested in using fonio as a substitute for rice domestically because Nigeria imports rice and it’s just not practical.” Yet, Oke acknowledges one of the key challenges with fonio: its processing. The grain requires dehusking, which is a labour-intensive process.

He also sees potential in the sisal plant, a cactus-like species whose fibres are used in products such as rope, string, yarn, and bags. Sisal is increasingly found in composite materials for cars, furniture, and construction, as well as in plastics and paper products. AgroEknor has made small investments in sisal-related R&D activities. However, the company found that achieving profitable margins through value addition in sisal would require venturing into industrial manufacturing. As a result, AgroEknor has set the idea aside to focus on other opportunities.

The company has also been involved in ginger trading in the past. “We had a lot of clients in the global markets who wanted us to help supply ginger. And we looked at that value chain, but in all honesty, it was a value chain that already had very dominant players … And yes, opportunistically we would trade in it. But in the medium term, we’re not looking to build out a future value chain out of ginger because there are already big players who already control 80% of the market.”

AgroEknor is also exploring opportunities for crops beyond Nigeria. One of these is cloves, a high-value spice. “It’s not grown in Nigeria but it is grown in other African countries,” Oke notes.


How We Made It In Africa

Tuesday, 03 December 2024 04:54

FG raises fresh $2.2bn loan via eurobond - DMO

The Debt Management Office (DMO) says Nigeria has raised $2.2 billion in the international capital market through its latest eurobond auction.

The development comes two years after the federal government issued its last eurobond.

In November, Wale Edun, minister of finance and coordinating minister of the economy, said approximately $1.7 billion is expected from a eurobond offer and $500 million from a sukuk financing to strengthen the country’s finances and support economic reforms.

The sum is expected to be used to finance the N9.1 trillion deficit in the 2024 budget

In a statement on Monday, DMO said it auctioned two bonds including a 6.5 year eurobond which is expected to mature in 2031 and a 10-year eurobond in 2034, respectively, in the international capital markets on December 2.

According to the statement, although Nigeria priced the eurobond at $2.2 billion, the bonds recorded a peak orderbook of more than $9 billion.

“The Federal Republic of Nigeria (the “Republic”) successfully priced US$2.2 billion in Eurobonds (the “Notes”) maturing in 2031 (6.5-year) and 2034 (10- year) in the international capital markets on 2 December 2024, with US$700 million and US$1.5 billion placed in the 2031 and 2034 maturities, respectively,” the statement reads.

“The 6.5-year and the 10- year. The Notes were priced at a Coupon and Re-offer Yield of 9.625 per cent and 10.375 per cent, respectively.

“Nigeria is pleased to have attracted a wide range of investors from multiple jurisdictions including the United Kingdom, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East and participation from Nigerian investors, which it views as an expression of continued investor confidence in the country’s sound macro-economic policy framework and prudent fiscal and monetary management.”

DMO said the transaction attracted “a peak orderbook of more than $9 billion,” underscoring the strong support for the transaction across geography and investor class.

Regarding investor class, the agency said demand came from a combination of fund managers, insurance and pension funds, hedge funds, banks and other financial institutions.

DMO said the notes would be admitted to the official list of the UK Listing Authority and available to trade on the London Stock Exchange’s regulated market, the FMDQ Securities Exchange Limited, and the Nigerian Exchange Limited.

“The proceeds from this Eurobond issuance will be used to finance the 2024 fiscal deficit and support the government’s budgetary needs,” DMO said.

“Nigeria mandated Chapel Hill Denham, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan and Standard Chartered Bank as Joint Bookrunners. FSDH Merchant Bank Limited acted as Financial Adviser on the issuance.”


The Cable

The Chairman, Senate Committee on Ecology and Climate Change, Seriake Dickson (PDP, Bayelsa West), has said the National Assembly will pass the tax reform bills despite opposition from different quarters.

Dickson, in an interview with newsmen in Abuja on Monday, said the bills would be passed like the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB), stressing that heavens would not fall when the tax bills are consequently passed.

President Bola Tinubu had on October 3, 2024, transmitted to the National Assembly, four tax reform bills, in a letter, read by the Senate President Godswill Akpabio, and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tajuddeen Abbas, during separate plenaries of the two chambers.

Tinubu said the bills would bolster Nigeria’s fiscal institutions, adding that they were in line with his government’s broader development objectives for the country.

But Nigerians including some governors, traditional rulers, civil society organisations, federal lawmakers and others have kicked against the bills.

Recall that the Senate had last week passed the bills for second reading while the House of Representatives is yet to act on the bills.

Dickson also dispelled the claim that the planned public hearing on the bills could be chaotic if proper consultations were not done, and urged those opposed to the bills to attend the public hearing with facts if they have issues with any sections of the proposed fiscal legislations.

Dickson, former Governor of Bayelsa State said, “The PIA was passed. We wanted 10% which was what Yar’adua proposed. They (federal lawmakers) reduced it to 3%. Heaven did not fall. This tax reform bills will pass and heavens will not fall.

“The Senate has passed the bills for second reading. Public hearing will take place and people should get ready to present their positions. The tax bill is a proposed law like every other and it has to go through the normal legislative process.

“Right now, taxes from Bayelsa State are paid to Lagos State and I don’t want that to continue. When there is consumption of any goods or services from any state it should be calculated and paid to that state.

“Now there is an opportunity to review the tax laws, to correct the anomalies and that is why I’m in support. I know there are states that are feeling that when they apply the new sharing formula, they will earn less. It’s for them to raise those issues and bring the statistics. I don’t go by sentiments. I go by what is right and in the national interest.”


Daily Trust

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has secured the final forfeiture of an estate located in the federal capital territory (FCT).

Jude Onwuegbuzie, a judge of the FCT high court, delivered his verdict in favour of the EFCC on Monday.

In a statement, Dele Oyewale, spokesperson of the anti-graft agency, said the estate, which measures 150,500 square metres and contains 753 units of duplexes and other apartments, is the largest single asset the EFCC has recovered since it was set up in 2003.

The individual who forfeited the property was not mentioned, but Oyewale said it belonged to a “former top brass of the government”.

“The road to the final forfeiture of the property was paved by an interim forfeiture order, secured before the same Judge on November 1, 2024,” he said.

“The government official which fraudulently built the estate is being investigated by the EFCC. The forfeiture of the asset is an important modality of depriving the suspect of the proceeds of the crime.

“In this instance, the Commission relied on Section 17 of the Advance Fee Fraud And Other Fraud Related Offences Act No 14, 2006 and Section 44 (2) B of the Constitution of the 199 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to push its case.

“The Establishment Act of the Commission places huge emphasis on asset recovery.”

The EFCC spokesperson said the judge held that the respondent did not show cause as to why he should not lose the property.

Oyewale quoted Ola Olukoyede, EFCC’s chair, as saying that asset recovery is “pivotal in the fight against corruption, economic and financial crimes and a major disincentive against the corrupt and the fraudulent”.


The Cable

Hamas says 33 hostages killed in course of war in Gaza

Hamas said on Monday that 33 hostages in Gaza had been killed during the almost 14-month-old war between the Palestinian militant group and Israel in the enclave, without giving their nationalities.

Hamas added that other hostages had gone missing.

"With the continuation of your crazy war," it said in a statement addressed to Israel, "you could lose your hostages forever. Do what you have to do before it is too late."

Hamas shortly afterward published a video it said detailed when and how the hostages had been killed, blaming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for their fate.

The Israeli military did not immediately comment, which came as Israeli military strikes continued in Gaza.

Hamas has called for an end to the war and total Israeli withdrawal from Gaza as part of any deal to release remaining hostages. Netanyahu has said the war will go on until Hamas is eradicated and poses no more threat to Israel.

Israel launched its war after Hamas-led fighters attacked Israeli communities on Oct. 7, 2023, killing 1,200 people and capturing more than 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.

Israel's military offensive has killed more than 44,400 Palestinians and displaced most of Gaza's population, Gaza officials say. Vast swathes of the enclave lie in ruins.




Kiev too weak to retake territory – Zelensky

The Ukrainian army is powerless to push back Russian forces and recapture all the territories that belonged to Kiev before 2014, Vladimir Zelensky has said, adding that his country must rely on diplomacy to achieve this goal.

In an interview with Kyodo News on Monday, the Ukrainian leader signaled that Kiev wants to end the conflict as soon as possible and retake Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye regions after the prospects of joining NATO become clear.

He acknowledged, however, that this will not be easy. “Our army lacks the strength to do that… We do have to find diplomatic solutions.” At the same time, diplomacy will have a chance “only when we know that we are strong enough” and Russia is prevented from launching new offensives, Zelensky said.

The Ukrainian leader went on to say that US President-elect Donald Trump, who will be sworn in in January, is well aware of the details of his ‘victory plan’, adding that this initiative will put Ukraine in a “strong position” for negotiations. The plan, which was unveiled by Zelensky in October, demands an immediate invitation to join NATO, unrestricted Western military support, and placing conventional deterrence measures in Ukraine to keep Russia at bay. Moscow has rejected the plan as a “set of incoherent slogans” and a recipe for escalation.

The Trump team, the Ukrainian leader claimed, is “studying the plan and we are going to hear from them… But there will be no capitulation from the side of Ukraine.” 

While Zelensky has ruled out “bargaining” over territory, he signaled last week that Kiev could be ready for a ceasefire with Moscow if Ukraine is allowed in its current form to join NATO. He added, however, that this deal has never been on the table.

Russia has signaled that it is ready for talks over Ukraine, but insists that any settlement must take into account the territorial realities on the ground. Moscow has also ruled out the option of freezing the conflict, stressing that all of the goals of its military operation – including Ukrainian neutrality, denazification, and demilitarization – must be achieved.



NATO expected to sidestep Ukraine's call for quick invite

NATO is highly unlikely to heed Ukraine's call for a membership invitation at a meeting on Tuesday, according to diplomats, dashing Kyiv's hopes of a political boost as it struggles on the battlefield and awaits Donald Trump's return to the White House.

In a letter to his NATO counterparts ahead of the meeting, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha said an invitation would remove one of Russia's main arguments for waging its war - namely, preventing Ukraine from joining the alliance.

But there is no sign of the required consensus among NATO's 32 members for such a decision at the foreign ministers' meeting in Brussels, said diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"It will take weeks and months to get consensus," a senior NATO diplomat said on Monday. "I don't see that happening tomorrow, I would be very surprised."

A senior U.S. official said the meeting would focus on surging support for Ukraine so it was in the strongest possible position next year, "going into possible negotiations".

"The best way to do that is to surge money, munitions and mobilisation," said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday announced a new weapons package for Ukraine worth $725 million.


Ukraine sees NATO membership as the best guarantee of its future security. Under NATO's Article 5 mutual defence pact, members agree to treat an attack on one as an attack on all and come to each other's aid.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy suggested on Friday in a Sky News interview that putting territory currently controlled by his government "under the NATO umbrella" would stop the "hot phase" of the war.

His comments came as Ukraine faces a tough winter on the battlefield, with Moscow's troops advancing in the east and Russian airstrikes targeting the country's hobbled energy grid.

While NATO has declared Ukraine will join its ranks and that the country's path to NATO is "irreversible", it has not issued an invitation or set out a timeline for membership.

Any such decision would depend above all on NATO's predominant power, the United States, so will soon be a matter for Trump, when he returns as U.S. president next month.

Biden administration officials are aware that any major move on Ukraine should ideally have the backing of the incoming government to ensure it has a lasting impact.

Ukraine was among the topics of a discussion in recent weeks between U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and his successor Mike Waltz but the level of alignment, if any, between the outgoing and incoming administrations remains unclear.

Trump has criticised the scale of U.S. aid for Kyiv and said he will end the war in a day. But he has not set out a detailed plan of how he will tackle the conflict.

Some NATO members, such as Hungary, have openly voiced opposition to Ukraine joining the alliance. But some others have also signalled they do not think the time is right, such as the current U.S. and German governments, according to diplomats.



Tuesday, 03 December 2024 04:49

Requiem for PDP - Dele Sobowale

“All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies” – Arbuthnot, 1667-1735, VANGUARD BOOK OF QUOTATIONS, VBQ, p 191. 

Note: This article started on the day of the Ondo State election. The result was not surprising. “You can’t beat something with nothing”. PDP is now nothing. Obong Victor Attah, a former governor of Akwa Ibom State and former Trustee of the PDP, is an internationally-recognised architect. He was the first African to be granted licence to practice as an architect in New York State.

Attah turned 86 on November 20 this year. Few Nigerians are aware that Attah designed the PDP flag. As a member of the G-34, a group led by late Alex Ekwueme, former Vice President, 1979-1983, and an artist like all architects, the flag symbolised an all-inclusive party. Its original constitution reflected the intention of the founding fathers to create a society in which glaring marginalisation of any group will not be allowed.

Ekwueme was on the way to becoming the first President elected under the PDP banner when powerful people intruded into the party; forced PDP to violate its own constitution and accept Olusegun Obasanjo as their candidate. The facts are detailed in PDP: CORRUPTION INCORPORATED. Self-righteous Obasanio was thus the first beneficiary of the corruption of a sacred set of political principles laid out by patriotic Nigerians. Obasanjo quickly moved to dismantle the PDP constitution and to substitute one which was an image of himself – a dictator at heart; despite his hypocritical pronouncements now.

He appointed and removed party Chairmen at will and approved candidates for elections at all three tiers of government. How he removed Audu Ogbeh would bring tears to anyone’s eyes. He sowed the seeds of the destruction of Nigeria’s democracy. Today, Attah is no longer active in politics. But, at 86, he must certainly feel disillusioned by what the PDP has become. The flag he designed is now a mockery of what the PDP has become in his life time. I was still writing this article when the result of the Ondo State election was announced.

It is predictable what will follow. There will be a massive desertion of the PDP to the APC. A few years ago, when the late Vincent Ogbulafor, then Chairman of the party, announced, as if he was God, that “PDP will rule for sixty years”, I told him that he will not live for 70 years, but, he might live long enough to see the party out of power. He did both. PDP had been living on borrowed time since (President) Jonathan lost control of the party and suffered defeat.

Now time has run out for the party. Even now, close to half of the leading members of the APC were once in PDP. More will now follow; leaving a party so weak as not to offer much opposition to the APC. Daniel Bwala, a former spokesman for Atiku, the presidential candidate of the PDP in the 2023 elections, who was blasting the APC as lustfully as he did since the elections in September this year, had been invited by President Tinubu to “come and eat”.

He quickly accepted the offer and is now eating in Aso Rock and singing the praises of his new paymaster. That raises the question: Which party will defeat APC in 2027? The answer curiously enough might be APC itself or a new party primarily northern based. In fact, we might be heading for regional parties such as we had before 1960. Two developments account for this position. One, the APC, never a political party, in just nine and a half years, has left the North reassessing its support for APC.

The eight years of Buhari blinded the people to assume that the party was working in their own interests. His departure had laid bare the truth. Under Buhari, APC was a party of the elite, by the elite and for the elite. Tinubu’s presidency has marginalised the northern elite; like never before. They want to redress the situation as soon as possible. Two, hitherto, northerners have lacked a rallying point; there was no common agenda. Tinubu’s Tax Reform Bills, considered anti-North by the vast majority, have provided the impetus for regional collective action.

It is doubtful if any northern politician will support the bills and survive politically. As one old friend from the North-West told me, “I canvassed for votes for Tinubu. He is holding a knife to our throats in the North. We will not allow him to get away with it.” It was, therefore, not surprising to me that all the northern governors are opposed to the Tax Bills. The real surprise was the unanimous opposition of southern governors as well.

Given the fact that the majority of governors belong to the APC, that has revealed the lack of principle within the party. It is doubtful if any Republican governor will oppose a Tax Bill proposed by (incoming US president) Trump because the party’s position on taxation has been consistent for over a hundred years. A situation in which the president’s own party governors and most National Assembly members might turn against him is worrisome – even if expected in a nation where politics without principles is the norm.


“There are plans from Lagos to colonise the North” – Kwankwaso.

The presidential candidate of the NNPP is not alone in condemning the Tax Reform Bills; which most commentators, nationally, have not read; and very few understand. But, it now serves as a fulcrum for moving massive northern sentiments against the APC in the region. The Arewa Consultative Forum, ACF, a few days after Kwankwaso spoke, made an even more unmistakable declaration.

2027: “North will be best served by northerners” – Report, November 21, 2024.

Just in case anybody in Abuja misses the point, the ACF Chairman said: “Notwithstanding the parlous state of Arewa’s glaring economic conditions, the policies of the current Federal Government has continued to make matters much worse, with little indications of needed sensitivity to the precarious existential conditions of Arewa people… economic reforms while indeed desirable, should not impoverish the same people they are meant to serve…” Battle line drawn. Elected, as well as appointed, APC northern politicians are now confronted with an unpleasant dilemma: Continue supporting Tinubu and his policies or bail out. Either way, there will be serious consequences. I don’t envy Vice President Shetimma or Ganduje. The attempt by the Board of Trustees, BOT, of the ACF to distance the old association from Mamman Osuman’s outburst by suspending the Chairman was a blunder.

The blowback by several northern groups, especially youth groups, points to the possibility that the more cautious and conservative elders might not be aware of the depth of hostility to FG’s reforms. Nigeria is getting ripe for demagogues. Historically, demagoguery triumphs when there is a very angry, dissatisfied section of the populace who want simple answers to very complicated problems; and when the section can identify another distinct group to blame for its problems.

Kwankwaso, focusing on the section of the Tax Bills which recommends the principle of derivation to be adopted for Value Added Tax, VAT, revenue allocation, represents the northern view that with Lagos accounting for over 50 per cent of the VAT revenue collected, any change in that direction will adversely affect their states. Kwankwaso has deliberately ignored the fact that not only northern states will be affected. Even all the rest of the South-West states will lose.

But, Tinubu is from Lagos State; so the conspiracy to further impoverish the North must be a Lagos agenda. That is most unfortunate; because it has shifted the discussion from addressing the merits of the tax proposal to North versus Lagos. More unfortunate is the fact that the northern leaders conveniently forget that the Nigerian economy was already ruined by the time Buhari finished his eight years in office. More importantly, as the Emir of Kano, Lamido, has warned repeatedly, the North was ruining itself – not Lagos.

Virtually all those in APC, NNPP and LP in the North were in PDP before; when the seeds of destruction of the economy were sown. Not to be left behind, the Northern Elders Forum, NEF, led by Ango Abdullahi, sent a chilling message. Read some of it; and it is clear why political lines have disappeared in the North: “The Tax Reform Bills are conceived in bad faith, poorly packaged and is a palpable threat to our unity and national cohesion.

The brazen way and suspicious manner in which the Tax Bills were imposed on the nation confirmed the sinister intentions of those promoting this outrageous Bill. The days are fast gone when such conspiratorial connivance against the vital and strategic interest of the region, either by those within or outside of the region, would be condoned or even tolerated”.

Non-partisan political war could not have been more brutally declared. The attackers have the advantage. Serious economic hardship, especially coming so suddenly and brutally, invariably gives rise to the search for scapegoats – people on whom to place the blame. Despite Benjamin Franklin’s, 1706-1790, position that, “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”, few people except government officials want to hear the word TAX. But, where there are political parties in the real sense of the word, the Tax Bills should have been discussed with party leaders of the ruling party; and everybody should now be out fighting for its passage. The party no longer counts in this struggle.

LAST LINE: Tinubu and his inner circle of advisers missed a vital step in advancing the Tax Bills. Now, the Bills are virtually dead on arrival.



Tom Huddleston Jr.

To become successful, you might have to learn to take yourself less seriously and be willing to keep doing the work, even when times get tough.

That’s according to Jake Loosararian, the co-founder and CEO of Gecko Robotics, a tech startup that makes wall-climbing robots for jobs too dangerous for humans, like scanning the inside of a power plant boiler or nuclear missile silo for critical structural issues.

After starting as a college engineering project, Gecko launched as a business in 2013. It ranked 42nd on the 2024 CNBC Disruptor 50 List and was most recently valued at $633 million.

Loosararian, 33, says Gecko never would’ve made it this far if he weren’t willing to “go into the unknown and the dirty and unexplored.” He means it literally: Loosararian spent parts of the last decade testing robots in dark, dangerous environments, soldering circuit boards in hot, grimy power plant boiler rooms.

Even launching the business in the first place was a risk — many of his closest friends and advisors thought it was a longshot, he says.

Ultimately, Loosararian says getting his hands dirty helped set him and Gecko apart from the many potential startups and prospective “innovators” who haven’t prospered. “So much of Gecko’s success and progress has been just through embracing that value of grit and gritting your teeth,” he says.

Grit, or the ability to persist in striving toward a goal over the long term, and in the face of any number of obstacles, is a trait that psychologists often associate with success. It can be even more important than skill or intelligence, according to University of Pennsylvania psychology professor Angela Duckworth.

“Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality,” Duckworth said in a 2013 TED Talk.

A company built on grit

Loosararian spent three years bootstrapping Gecko Robotics after graduating from college with a degree in electrical engineering. He had no money to pay himself, so he slept on friends’ floors and at the power plants where he tested early iterations of Gecko’s robots.

At times, Loosararian considered giving up. He remembers thinking to himself: “I don’t belong in this place. ... I’m a talented engineer with a hard hat on, steel-toe boots and covered in coal soot. I shouldn’t be here.”

Instead, he decided to embrace those challenges, leaning hard on his initial belief that he’d found an untapped, potentially lucrative market — “a secret hiding in plain sight,” he says.

Plenty of other successful businesspeople agree with Loosararian on the importance of endurance. “The most successful people have a lot of skill, but they also have grit,” billionaire and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt told CNBC Make It in 2022. “In other words, they’re willing to put up with the setbacks and the inevitable challenges that people deal with.” 

Unwelcoming environments, like the ones where Gecko’s robots typically operate, are “actually where we’re needed the most as innovators and designers and technologists,” adds Loosararian.

Gecko’s challenging origins helped shape its company culture for the better, he says: Determination and resilience now “permeate” throughout Gecko’s 300-plus employees.

“Everyone has to drive robots and run the software, and has to understand how the built world works. And, man, that’s exciting,” Loosararian says. “You want to get a group of people that are all convicted in that value.”



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