Cold and flu season is upon us. But fortunately, you can equip yourself against the worst sniffles by supporting a healthy immune system. These foods have been proven to fight the good fight when it comes to boosting your immunity.
1 Blueberries
High in a flavonoid called anthocyanin, blueberries help strengthen immunity, especially in the respiratory tract. Flavonoid-rich foods like blueberries and other dark berries are linked with a lower likelihood of contracting upper respiratory tract infections like a cold.
2 Oranges
A classic anti-cold remedy, this juicy citrus fruit is full of vitamin C. Vitamin C, of course, may shorten the amount of time you suffer from cold symptoms, and strengthen your overall immunity.
3 Dark Chocolate
It’s always a pleasure to discover another one of dark chocolate’s many health benefits. When it comes to immunity, dark chocolate (minimum 70 per cent cocoa content) contains the antioxidant theobromine, which may help the body to protect itself from sickness-causing free radicals.
4 Spinach
Among the dark, leafy greens, spinach is an immunity-boosting heavy hitter. Its rich profile of nutrients and antioxidants includes vitamins C and E, and a healthy dose of carotenoids and flavonoids.
5 Turmeric
This vivid yellow spice is produced by grinding down the root of the turmeric plant. While it adds a distinctive character to your dishes, it may offer even better benefits as an immunity booster. Its well documented antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects are linked to its high levels of a compound called curcumin.
6 Garlic
Garlic is often used as a home remedy for colds and other common illnesses— and for good reason. Its high levels of allicin have been linked in scientific studies to cold prevention.